Life, the Universe, and Everything Else: Know your reality.

Life, the Universe, and Everything Else: Know your reality.
We are the most fascinating thing in the universe. It is us. The human being is designed perfectly.

This blog is not meant for those with an untrained eye and not for the insincere. It is also not self-righteous. It focuses on the actual practice, pushing aside conspiracies and history information that don't do anything for real progression and only serve as a distraction for those who are seeking real Truth: which is in the practice and can be attained now, we are not here to waste time. We are separating our Self and reality into parts which is like trying to play each instrument in an orchestra which does nothing but cause chaos. Your very mind is the gateway to real progression: as in you are not your thinking mind, which is governing ALL ASPECTS of your life. You must figure out what you truly are, your real nature -- not the illusory nature -- using sincere contemplation and the process of elimination, WHO you are NOT. Surprise, you do not need meditation which is exactly like riding on a donkey. There is no time for meditation. Get on the jet plane and the method is the Mirror, it is time to see the Self as a Whole unit and not divided into individual and separated parts. Use direct experience as a vehicle for your quest to understand and figure out Absolute Reality. Begin to explore your mind through Psychegnosis here:

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Logic Dictator and Real Power

  • If we are not aware that a thought as just an "if", then a thought automatically becomes a law in our world expressed through more stories of thoughts and emotions that go with it
  • Always question outside of the thought by being aware of the technicalities

Just because we think, that ‘think’ we take as automatic determiners just implies logic. For example we say ‘what am I thinking about this’ or ‘how do I feel about this’ to comprehend a reality. So if we think this gives us Logic, then 'if I think that, then xyz’, ‘if I feel that, then xyz’. These are the automatic determiners, giving power to the thinking mind to tell us WHO WE ARE. The thinking mind is now a Logic Dictator. ‘Let me see what my mind thinks I am, let me see what my emotions say I am’. Since we agree with our thinking mind because we think that is WHO we are and therefore believe in its logic, then it must be true. This logical thought of who we think we are then becomes the prerequisite for determining what happens next since it appears to be the only truth, the ONLY assumed prerequisite, since the thinking mind is identified AS WHO WE ARE. What is really happening is that a string of attachments to either a thought or emotion and emotions has been pulled and the puppet (us) moves automatically. The thinking mind is the Logic Dictator of our Reality. Logic is just one part of the entire Reality construct that we are taking as the ONLY part, the only truth. Logic is just a PART of the whole, which is ABSOLUTE TRUTH. A ‘logical’ thought will throw what APPEARS to be a truth about our selves, about situations, and about others according to its belief system (which is our set of laws governing our individual reality). But it is just a part of the Absolute Truth. However, we become a slave to that thought, a slave to our ‘Logic Dictator’, who tells us what to think, what to believe, and what to do because it seems to be the entire truth. The Dictator offers us choice, free thought and freedom but in reality the Logic Dictator only gives us the ILLUSION of choice, the ILLUSION of free thought, the ILLUSION of freedom. All are APPEARS restricted, APPEARS we have limited movement. We are slaves to the thinking mind. False freedom. The thinking mind and thought it throws is NOT a Dictatorship. We must remove the power we give to thinking mind to tell us who and what we are how to feel  at all times, it is not a dictator. It is only because we gave it the power and it is doing as its told.  We must see a thought as not the ONLY thought available to explain reality. We have to ADMIT that our library of information is restricted and ignorant, we have to be free from a thought which we ‘think’ holds power over us to give us the Answer using logic. Thought is just a thought. Thinking mind just thinks it is not the enemy, far from it. None holds the power. Let go of handing over all the power to the thinking mind, handing over all the power to a thought, handing over all power to an emotion. 

Who Holds the Real Power?

The reality is a thought and emotion has power over you which sounds illogical. When you understand what the actual truth is, then your awareness will reveal that you actually have infinite choices. A thought is NOT the only determiner, it is just a part, a thought, remove the power given to a single thought, the ‘logical’ bait. Total freedom will be seen and known, when we can see that the Real Power lies in true Reality and we have a wonderful library of infinite choices. We have the freedom to choose, freedom gives us PEACE and Happiness (instead of being stealthily forced to choose). There is Truth; and logic only appears to be the whole truth. It is just logic. Logic is just one of the doll parts encapsulated by the large doll (Ego) in a Russian doll (To be very clear: please refer to the post "The Ego, The Soul, and The Illusion" because the definition used on this blog to explain 'ego' is different than how mainstream describes it). The part belongs to the whole. Every part makes up the whole, so do not deny any part. 

So we think our parts each have power over our choices. But this is an illusion of choice. WE (ego) have the real power. When we see that it is the Ego holds the real power, she is the White Queen on the chessboard, the thinking mind becomes our best friend - just the part that needs the whole. The Ego (sun) is who we are, and the thinking mind (moon) is the Ego’s best friend. It reflects the light of the Ego. It’ a FRIEND – it is a sidekick, it is just a part of the whole, the thinking mind is an "IT" which only works FOR the large doll who can perceive Absolute Truth, your Ego – the one who is alive, WHO you REALLY are. It is impossible for the thinking mind to tell Who you are, it is not the Absolute Truth. Real Power ONLY belongs to the Ego who is the real driver of the body (thinking mind is PART of the body).

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