- Internal laws are Illusions of the storybook
- Freedom is always false when we are controlled by a Story
- Real freedom (free from internal laws) exists in Absolute Reality
"I know why the caged bird sings." - Maya Angelou
When we believe a thought is ‘WHO I am’, we are automatically bound to its law. Would you be bound by “2 + 2 = 4” to be WHO I am? That would be absurd. Then why would you be bound to a thought we take personal such an opinion, which is a law we put in our ‘I’ World. "Let me see what my thinking mind tells me WHO I am, let me see what my thinking mind tells me to believe."
Freedom can ONLY be had when one is free from thought laws, free from the thinking mind being WHO I am. Laws are the limits that you set on your internal freedom. Our thoughts are FREE. They are simply just thoughts, neither ‘good for the I’ nor ‘bad for the I’. Our thoughts are FREE: therefore GOOD.
Freedom can ONLY be had when one is free from thought laws, free from the thinking mind being WHO I am. Laws are the limits that you set on your internal freedom. Our thoughts are FREE. They are simply just thoughts, neither ‘good for the I’ nor ‘bad for the I’. Our thoughts are FREE: therefore GOOD.
Laws is the prison and Pride is the prison guards and Blame-Guilt are our handcuffs. We hold the key which is to fully comprehend that blame, guilt, laws, and pride are all Illusions and does not exist in Absolute Reality. We need to put the prison of Pride's guard down by releasing our Selves from Blame-Guilt. Therefore there is no prison. We have always been FREE.
Pride is the internal prison. It is due to the laws that are handcuffed to ‘Blame’ and ‘Guilt’ which bounds our ‘I’ world by us being either the Blamer or the Blamed. It appears like you have restricted internal movement in your thinking mind, appearance of no freedom of choice. The subconscious war of Blame and Guilt creates a shadow over our hearts, and we are in its prison. Therefore Affliction is the expression. It is an AFFLICTED reaction, which is not being able to express with the corresponding true emotion due to lack of light (no freedom), being able to see. We 'think' the affliction is WHO I am (take the emotion personally). An emotion is just an emotion. When we have free internal expression and therefore NO AFFLICTION (free from affliction), we have ACCESS to choose the infinite rainbow of poetic emotions within us without being handcuffed to Blame-Guilt, guarded by thought and the emotions being WHO I am. But we cannot see/access the superior emotions because we are in the dominating shadow of Pride being WHO I am, in the prison. Affliction will be the reacted expression to no internal freedom. We need to be in PEACE, in INTERNAL FREEDOM to express by choosing the emotion with beautiful control.
The Shadow Over Our World
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Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon shows the Shadow, Light Source, and the refracted Rainbow . |
We are on the dark side of the moon! The Ego (sun) is the light source that is reflected by the thinking mind (moon). If the thinking mind (moon) works alone we are in its shadow and we can't 'see' because there is no sun! What we are REALLY blaming then, is our Confusion. It is like walking around in the dark. If the thinking mind (moon) is being used alone, we will not be able to 'see' because of confusion. The 'thinking' is what blocks the light from going in, this is why who we really are requires ZERO effort. We think the internal effort is 'real'. The sun needs to illuminate the brain so that the 3rd eye can now 'see'. Therefore the thinking mind becomes the full moon and now the 3rd eye can see what is happening. The 2 eyes and 2 ears are linked to the 3rd eye. If the 3rd eye is in the dark we will be walking around in the dark, which is why the thinking mind resorts to narrating what it CAN see. In full light there is no more reason for the 3rd eye to panic as now it can see all things.
The shadow emotions (affliction) do not exist in the Light, Absolute Reality. We prevent the true information from going THROUGH because we are busy 'thinking' (using the thinking mind) what it is. We do not wait for the information from going through because of our pride, our Pride halts what just IS with its opinion/judgement.
The shadow emotions (affliction) do not exist in the Light, Absolute Reality. We prevent the true information from going THROUGH because we are busy 'thinking' (using the thinking mind) what it is. We do not wait for the information from going through because of our pride, our Pride halts what just IS with its opinion/judgement.
Both the inflated pride (the Blamer) and deflated pride (the Blamed) are shadowing the Heart. We are shadowed by resisting Light from going through to illuminate our world. It's pride that is blocking you! We are moving under its shadow, where we can't 'see' where we are, which is what is causing so much Confusion within us. So if any 'thing' should be 'blamed' it is because we can't 'see'.
Pride is literally putting a shadow over the 'I World. We must give up effort of the thinking mind in order to surrender and therefore be filled with the Ego's light source going through by itself (not bound by internal laws, acceptance of truth). When light illuminates us can 'see' and refract our expression to be the rainbow. Because zero shadow exists (Guilt-free), the supreme light (the ego, artist) creates (with a paintbrush) his life with the emotional rainbow (colors) to fill the painting (be his true potential).
Pride is literally putting a shadow over the 'I World. We must give up effort of the thinking mind in order to surrender and therefore be filled with the Ego's light source going through by itself (not bound by internal laws, acceptance of truth). When light illuminates us can 'see' and refract our expression to be the rainbow. Because zero shadow exists (Guilt-free), the supreme light (the ego, artist) creates (with a paintbrush) his life with the emotional rainbow (colors) to fill the painting (be his true potential).
Pride blocks the us from accessing infinite library of emotions since it categorizes emotions as either ‘bad for the I’ or ‘good for the I’, which resists the true FLOW of emotions. When we categorize our emotions which is the expression of our character we are in prison! Because when we categorize, these becomes the laws we impose on our inner freedom. And our expression has become afflicted! We are in prison because we do not have access to internal freedom. We only have very limited choice because of pride (and its laws) and we are controlled by emotions being WHO I am. Only in prison do afflictions exist. They do not exist in the real world as we have access to all and are not bound to the laws of the heart of darkness, the restrictions that Pride gives us. We must remove pride in order to have true freedom.
Pride is literally putting a shadow over the 'I World. It is even putting a shadow over the physical world. So even physical light is important. We are preventing the light from going through the eyes, light goes IN not out! Like sound, which goes IN, not out! This prevents us from seeing the physical world in its true light. This prevents us from literally seeing and hearing in 3D where true language (Essence of all things) exist.
There are an infinite library of beautiful emotions that afflictions would not be so rampant if we were aware they existed. It is because we are so accustomed to thinking that the emotional library of our daily lives are limited to only those, where it becomes a routine. This causes Addictions. It is the thinking mind controlling what it knows is happy which is just to try to control the same emotions that can be controlled. We don’t tap into the idea that we have infinite emotions that transforms us to be the Composer of our lives. We are the Expresser and the expressions project through creating emotions OUTWARDS (not inwards), like shooting a rainbow. We instead put a Shadow over the rainbow and our emotions flow inwards, affecting the nervous system, expressing inflictive emotions. So Pride manages the Story by giving it a judgement Law, a story's verdict gives us our inflictive emotions and our nervous system reacts. Keep this going over and over as we jump from story to story. This is why we are suffering.
The Rainbow
The Ego (sun) is the light source which refracts a rainbow as a result. Your real expression has nothing to do with the Story (which appears that you have freedom) but within the true freedom that exists in Absolute Reality, where there is no internal laws. Expression is selfless BECAUSE it is effortless. In true freedom, when we completely remove Pride, the prison is no longer there, we will be in peace and therefore joy and only in peace and joy can we have harmony, that we have access to all the colors of the rainbow, infinite emotions to choose from as it is expressed through the ego.
Restriction of choice (appearance of little internal movement because we are 'walking around' in the dark) which is why we suffer. When pride – the heart of darkness (the black queen) --is completely removed and filled with light, we win (checkmate) our kingdom (where all things are possible, all things can be known) with the true self (white queen), we earn Peace. All is illuminated. Our nervous system is no longer being affected, we have access to the entire rainbow of emotions, the whole color wheel and its frequency variations. So because there are infinite choices available to us at all times, afflictions become USELESS. Our movements are not restricted like it is in jail. When we have infinite emotions to choose from, we are not bound by affliction in the nervous system! Because Ego IS our WHO I am. Peace and Freedom and Creating in Harmony with all things become your greatest potential to BE WHO I am.
The thinking mind is now reflected light which refracts through the body through a rainbow. The infinite rainbow gives us the remarkable ability to create. Since we are all not free because we are bound to the laws of our Pride, expression will be afflicted because Blame-Guilt causes a shadow within us. Therefore, we must remove Pride to have true freedom (out of the prison). We need to be the Ego (the light), in our freedom in order for the holy grail of supreme emotions to be accessed for expression. Blame on the thinking mind casts a shadow over our internal self. And the story of affliction will keep going until we remove the shadow that pride holds over our hearts, which is putting a shadow preventing all our potential from being the poet of our individual Egos!