IMPORTANT These are subtle things that are happening within us, some are more subtle than others:
As a child we are conditioned to believe that a thought is 'WHO I am' instead of just a thought. We then believe emotions are 'WHO I am' because it reacts to the thought, instead of just an emotion. And then with no one to blame, we were conditioned to learn that thoughts and emotions are either 'bad for the I' or 'good for the I'. Everyone goes through this! NO ONE IS TO BLAME. Because we react to thoughts with emotions it starts a domino effect where we lose control of emotions. We are traumatized to learn something is bad within us, and that thoughts and emotions have control over us. And so we get CONFUSED. And then SCARED and we setup a warrior within our selves that acts as the self-defense system within our own mind, we begin to look at our thoughts, magnify them, we analyze them, and we now have to judge them out of Fear of what is now the 'good for the I' and what is not the 'bad for the I'. Then we pointed at others for being 'good' or 'bad'. We began to blame and deny or ourselves and expressed outwards towards others. Then we began to lie (which is neither a 'good' nor a 'bad', it's just a lie protecting, to keep you happy, no one is to blame as we feel have no choice to for self-preservation) in order to create a Story of our Selves, which acts as a self-defense system that guards our own Story, which we now have to keep up with. This then expresses itself outwards CAUSING us to now self-defend our Story from others. This is an internal causing the outward struggle -- Cause & Effect! Your thinking mind will LITERALLY create a reflection of the real you, the Lie, the No Thing, that serves to blame and deny the Self (so your Story can be at its happiest). This is simply an Illusion! So what we are doing is judging a thought which is just a thought and neither 'good for the I' nor 'bad for the I'. You begin to understand thoughts will say anything you would now have to judge (because you are taking it to be who you are) and the result is that you react to the thought with emotions and this is why we lose control of emotions.
We are so accustomed to listening to our thoughts that we are accustomed to taking them to be WHO we are and, therefore, REAL. This is why it will take some time for you to figure out that thoughts are just thoughts -- thoughts are thoughts, they are part of the body. There are no 'good for the I' and 'bad for the I' thoughts and emotions. How is this so? I've given this example before: Take a situation where someone offends you: you could judge an angry emotion as good and then a happy emotion as bad in that situation. The belief in what's a good thought/emotion and bad thought/emotion become blurred, to reveal that there is only GOOD.
Thoughts are just information floating around which is how the brain NORMALLY functions. But when we have given responsibility over to the thinking mind to automatically tell us WHO we are, it will do ALL the thinking for us. It will then be forced to develop a system of beliefs that will create your Story in which you will always need to go back and refer to in order to explain reality. You will believe you ARE your thoughts and that you ARE your emotions -- as in directly connecting who you are to them. You have so many thoughts going on at the same time but for some reason you pluck certain thoughts that you will automatically take to be WHO you are as it falls under this belief system. So when we take thoughts to be who we are, this is precisely why you are analyzing them as either a 'good for the I' thought or a 'bad for the I' thought which then involves an emotion. Emotions are the piano keys of the body, we have all of them in our wonderful library of emotions that gives us freedom of Choice. Emotions are just piano keys. They are JUST emotions, neither 'good' nor 'bad'. So if you believe who you are is that thought, you will also believe who you are is that emotion. It can start out such as 'I am upset because he offended me' in which now you believe he offended you when in reality it is your Story of your self that he offends. And since you believe you are Story that thought you now believe to be you automatically comes with an emotion because now you believe you are upset and who you are is now 'upset' and accordingly your nervous system is disrupted and affected and will not function properly. You are running on auto-pilot, with little control. Thoughts and emotions belong to the body and everything in the physical world is ALWAYS CHANGING. Because everything including your body and thoughts and emotions are always changing it is IMPOSSIBLE to find lasting peace for very long. The only way to begin to understand that thoughts and emotions are NOT who you are is if you slow down to real time until thoughts are moving at a slower speed so that you can have some sort of 'control' over what is happening. In the very back, as you keep working your body and thinking mind to slow down to real time, there is a silent watcher. That is YOU. That is your Ego (please please please read this short post: The Real Definition of Ego). Another way to 'see' this is to use what I call the Russian Doll Metaphor: the larger doll (your awareness) is overlooking the smaller doll (your thinking mind/emotion/body).
Russian Doll, the larger doll encloses the smaller doll.
Now what you are doing is making this silent watcher look at your thinking mind -- which contains our entire library of information -- as who you are (because of conditioning) and anything that a thought throws, you are taking as you. Would you take a thought such as 2 + 2 = 4 to be YOU? The thoughts you are choosing (but it happens automatically) to take as you immediately is followed by an emotion which then affects your nervous system (cause & effect) which will make the thought and the emotion APPEAR even more real and therefore alive. Slowing down will make it easier for you to observe all the impulses in your body.
1. Slow Down your thinking
2. Calm down your nervous system
2. Russian Doll Metaphor
3. Watch all thoughts and emotions that arises
Mind moves MUCH faster than real time. You need to slow down to 'see' the realness. You need to also slow down because thoughts and emotions you take to be as you affects your nervous system. The nervous system will need to calm down also.
So you need to learn in order to cease CONNECTING thoughts and emotions to WHO you are, to your Story (Short reading: The Addiction to Your Story) which will help you to cease connecting who you are to your thinking. They are just thoughts, just emotions, just images in your mind that we are JUDGING. Cease the addiction as they are just information. We live in LITERAL Darkness if we keep analyzing our own information.
The Rye Metaphor
At all times the Thinking Mind has no conscience. It holds your Story including ideas we have about the world and our reality. But in Reality, since the Thinking Mind has no conscience, then all the thoughts and emotions that arise that you think is you are JUST PIECES OF INFORMATION. What do you mean 'pieces of information'? There is one image I can use to perhaps 'explain' this:
'Pieces of information' from the film The Matrix
They are vibrations that are blocking the Soul (which is what animates our body) and hiding the Ego, when you take the information to be who you are and will result in weakening your nervous system. When the Ego pushes through you will sense the pieces of information or the vibrations that are blocking the way, you have to 'brush' them away. The metaphor to describe this is:
Like you are inside a field of rye on a cloudy day. The rye represents your pieces of information/vibrations. The field is the Soul. You need to not JUDGE and analyze INSIDE the rye to see the clearing. The rye is just pieces of information and is not 'bad for the I'. So you thinking the rye is 'bad for the I' represents the clouds. So you can stop judging the rye as either good or bad it's just GOOD. Otherwise you will remain in the rye in darkness if you believe the rye has a conscience -- which is INSANITY! The rye is NOT 'evil'. When you cease analyzing and judging the rye, like a bright sunny day the Ego will be revealed! You are the Sun. Like the sun shining down on the clear day giving vibrancy to the field -- your Ego -- gives character to your Soul without defiling it.
When we think we are the rye, the rye controls us. They are just information but as long we think we are the rye then hardly any new rye can grow. Expanding knowledge and understanding in this life needs new rye. So the sun illuminates the field of rye and the rye is GOOD. But If we think we are the rye -- as in connecting who we are to the rye itself -- we give 'life' to the rye, we think the rye has a soul and then the rye controls us. This is Frankenstein! But 'pieces of information' doesn't have life/soul because it is just info, therefore there appears to be life but life is our Being which has the soul -- not the information.
The sun (Ego) makes itself known and its light illuminates and gives vibrancy to the field. It is our UNIQUENESS that gives it color.
It's up to YOU to now figure out what is real and what is not real.