Last chance to sign up for the 30 Day Adventure Experiment! It begins tomorrow April 21st!
Life, the Universe, and Everything Else: Know your reality.
Life, the Universe, and Everything Else: Know your reality.
We are the most fascinating thing in the universe. It is us. The human being is designed perfectly.
This blog is not meant for those with an untrained eye and not for the insincere. It is also not self-righteous. It focuses on the actual practice, pushing aside conspiracies and history information that don't do anything for real progression and only serve as a distraction for those who are seeking real Truth: which is in the practice and can be attained now, we are not here to waste time. We are separating our Self and reality into parts which is like trying to play each instrument in an orchestra which does nothing but cause chaos. Your very mind is the gateway to real progression: as in you are not your thinking mind, which is governing ALL ASPECTS of your life. You must figure out what you truly are, your real nature -- not the illusory nature -- using sincere contemplation and the process of elimination, WHO you are NOT. Surprise, you do not need meditation which is exactly like riding on a donkey. There is no time for meditation. Get on the jet plane and the method is the Mirror, it is time to see the Self as a Whole unit and not divided into individual and separated parts. Use direct experience as a vehicle for your quest to understand and figure out Absolute Reality. Begin to explore your mind through Psychegnosis here:
Monday, April 20, 2015
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
"We need to end looking at people as stories and begin looking at them as real human beings in real time without all the over-analysis and over-speculation. We must look without taking any thing away from them by judging. The language of truth is all there, in the silence of the here & now, where there is no space for judgement but the enjoyment of empathy. It starts when we truly love ourselves. And by love I mean allow our own Self to BE without our own self over-analyzing, over-speculating who we are. Without judging our own selves. Without looking at our self like a story but a real being. We must stop the war. We must stop being pulled by the 'story' of the world. We must stop. And look around. Look where we are. Remember who we are. Being real is of the most supreme quality every single person can have and that is because the real person has no war within them."
- Ayah Ajam
Monday, February 23, 2015
TRUE FREEDOM: The Heart of the Rainbow
- Internal laws are Illusions of the storybook
- Freedom is always false when we are controlled by a Story
- Real freedom (free from internal laws) exists in Absolute Reality
"I know why the caged bird sings." - Maya Angelou
When we believe a thought is ‘WHO I am’, we are automatically bound to its law. Would you be bound by “2 + 2 = 4” to be WHO I am? That would be absurd. Then why would you be bound to a thought we take personal such an opinion, which is a law we put in our ‘I’ World. "Let me see what my thinking mind tells me WHO I am, let me see what my thinking mind tells me to believe."
Freedom can ONLY be had when one is free from thought laws, free from the thinking mind being WHO I am. Laws are the limits that you set on your internal freedom. Our thoughts are FREE. They are simply just thoughts, neither ‘good for the I’ nor ‘bad for the I’. Our thoughts are FREE: therefore GOOD.
Freedom can ONLY be had when one is free from thought laws, free from the thinking mind being WHO I am. Laws are the limits that you set on your internal freedom. Our thoughts are FREE. They are simply just thoughts, neither ‘good for the I’ nor ‘bad for the I’. Our thoughts are FREE: therefore GOOD.
Laws is the prison and Pride is the prison guards and Blame-Guilt are our handcuffs. We hold the key which is to fully comprehend that blame, guilt, laws, and pride are all Illusions and does not exist in Absolute Reality. We need to put the prison of Pride's guard down by releasing our Selves from Blame-Guilt. Therefore there is no prison. We have always been FREE.
Pride is the internal prison. It is due to the laws that are handcuffed to ‘Blame’ and ‘Guilt’ which bounds our ‘I’ world by us being either the Blamer or the Blamed. It appears like you have restricted internal movement in your thinking mind, appearance of no freedom of choice. The subconscious war of Blame and Guilt creates a shadow over our hearts, and we are in its prison. Therefore Affliction is the expression. It is an AFFLICTED reaction, which is not being able to express with the corresponding true emotion due to lack of light (no freedom), being able to see. We 'think' the affliction is WHO I am (take the emotion personally). An emotion is just an emotion. When we have free internal expression and therefore NO AFFLICTION (free from affliction), we have ACCESS to choose the infinite rainbow of poetic emotions within us without being handcuffed to Blame-Guilt, guarded by thought and the emotions being WHO I am. But we cannot see/access the superior emotions because we are in the dominating shadow of Pride being WHO I am, in the prison. Affliction will be the reacted expression to no internal freedom. We need to be in PEACE, in INTERNAL FREEDOM to express by choosing the emotion with beautiful control.
The Shadow Over Our World
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Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon shows the Shadow, Light Source, and the refracted Rainbow . |
We are on the dark side of the moon! The Ego (sun) is the light source that is reflected by the thinking mind (moon). If the thinking mind (moon) works alone we are in its shadow and we can't 'see' because there is no sun! What we are REALLY blaming then, is our Confusion. It is like walking around in the dark. If the thinking mind (moon) is being used alone, we will not be able to 'see' because of confusion. The 'thinking' is what blocks the light from going in, this is why who we really are requires ZERO effort. We think the internal effort is 'real'. The sun needs to illuminate the brain so that the 3rd eye can now 'see'. Therefore the thinking mind becomes the full moon and now the 3rd eye can see what is happening. The 2 eyes and 2 ears are linked to the 3rd eye. If the 3rd eye is in the dark we will be walking around in the dark, which is why the thinking mind resorts to narrating what it CAN see. In full light there is no more reason for the 3rd eye to panic as now it can see all things.
The shadow emotions (affliction) do not exist in the Light, Absolute Reality. We prevent the true information from going THROUGH because we are busy 'thinking' (using the thinking mind) what it is. We do not wait for the information from going through because of our pride, our Pride halts what just IS with its opinion/judgement.
The shadow emotions (affliction) do not exist in the Light, Absolute Reality. We prevent the true information from going THROUGH because we are busy 'thinking' (using the thinking mind) what it is. We do not wait for the information from going through because of our pride, our Pride halts what just IS with its opinion/judgement.
Both the inflated pride (the Blamer) and deflated pride (the Blamed) are shadowing the Heart. We are shadowed by resisting Light from going through to illuminate our world. It's pride that is blocking you! We are moving under its shadow, where we can't 'see' where we are, which is what is causing so much Confusion within us. So if any 'thing' should be 'blamed' it is because we can't 'see'.
Pride is literally putting a shadow over the 'I World. We must give up effort of the thinking mind in order to surrender and therefore be filled with the Ego's light source going through by itself (not bound by internal laws, acceptance of truth). When light illuminates us can 'see' and refract our expression to be the rainbow. Because zero shadow exists (Guilt-free), the supreme light (the ego, artist) creates (with a paintbrush) his life with the emotional rainbow (colors) to fill the painting (be his true potential).
Pride is literally putting a shadow over the 'I World. We must give up effort of the thinking mind in order to surrender and therefore be filled with the Ego's light source going through by itself (not bound by internal laws, acceptance of truth). When light illuminates us can 'see' and refract our expression to be the rainbow. Because zero shadow exists (Guilt-free), the supreme light (the ego, artist) creates (with a paintbrush) his life with the emotional rainbow (colors) to fill the painting (be his true potential).
Pride blocks the us from accessing infinite library of emotions since it categorizes emotions as either ‘bad for the I’ or ‘good for the I’, which resists the true FLOW of emotions. When we categorize our emotions which is the expression of our character we are in prison! Because when we categorize, these becomes the laws we impose on our inner freedom. And our expression has become afflicted! We are in prison because we do not have access to internal freedom. We only have very limited choice because of pride (and its laws) and we are controlled by emotions being WHO I am. Only in prison do afflictions exist. They do not exist in the real world as we have access to all and are not bound to the laws of the heart of darkness, the restrictions that Pride gives us. We must remove pride in order to have true freedom.
Pride is literally putting a shadow over the 'I World. It is even putting a shadow over the physical world. So even physical light is important. We are preventing the light from going through the eyes, light goes IN not out! Like sound, which goes IN, not out! This prevents us from seeing the physical world in its true light. This prevents us from literally seeing and hearing in 3D where true language (Essence of all things) exist.
There are an infinite library of beautiful emotions that afflictions would not be so rampant if we were aware they existed. It is because we are so accustomed to thinking that the emotional library of our daily lives are limited to only those, where it becomes a routine. This causes Addictions. It is the thinking mind controlling what it knows is happy which is just to try to control the same emotions that can be controlled. We don’t tap into the idea that we have infinite emotions that transforms us to be the Composer of our lives. We are the Expresser and the expressions project through creating emotions OUTWARDS (not inwards), like shooting a rainbow. We instead put a Shadow over the rainbow and our emotions flow inwards, affecting the nervous system, expressing inflictive emotions. So Pride manages the Story by giving it a judgement Law, a story's verdict gives us our inflictive emotions and our nervous system reacts. Keep this going over and over as we jump from story to story. This is why we are suffering.
The Rainbow
The Ego (sun) is the light source which refracts a rainbow as a result. Your real expression has nothing to do with the Story (which appears that you have freedom) but within the true freedom that exists in Absolute Reality, where there is no internal laws. Expression is selfless BECAUSE it is effortless. In true freedom, when we completely remove Pride, the prison is no longer there, we will be in peace and therefore joy and only in peace and joy can we have harmony, that we have access to all the colors of the rainbow, infinite emotions to choose from as it is expressed through the ego.
Restriction of choice (appearance of little internal movement because we are 'walking around' in the dark) which is why we suffer. When pride – the heart of darkness (the black queen) --is completely removed and filled with light, we win (checkmate) our kingdom (where all things are possible, all things can be known) with the true self (white queen), we earn Peace. All is illuminated. Our nervous system is no longer being affected, we have access to the entire rainbow of emotions, the whole color wheel and its frequency variations. So because there are infinite choices available to us at all times, afflictions become USELESS. Our movements are not restricted like it is in jail. When we have infinite emotions to choose from, we are not bound by affliction in the nervous system! Because Ego IS our WHO I am. Peace and Freedom and Creating in Harmony with all things become your greatest potential to BE WHO I am.
The thinking mind is now reflected light which refracts through the body through a rainbow. The infinite rainbow gives us the remarkable ability to create. Since we are all not free because we are bound to the laws of our Pride, expression will be afflicted because Blame-Guilt causes a shadow within us. Therefore, we must remove Pride to have true freedom (out of the prison). We need to be the Ego (the light), in our freedom in order for the holy grail of supreme emotions to be accessed for expression. Blame on the thinking mind casts a shadow over our internal self. And the story of affliction will keep going until we remove the shadow that pride holds over our hearts, which is putting a shadow preventing all our potential from being the poet of our individual Egos!
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Heaven in Thought: Eamon Loughrey
"Imagine that our True selves are a needle in a very large haystack.
Each straw is a life experience.We examine each straw and analyse it.
What we need to do is to burn the straw and the needle shall be left.
The needle has always been there.
The straw was never real.
Where does it lead to?
The fact is that by analysing the straw we can never find the needle, and we waste valuable time.
... Those that are stopped looking for themselves in the straw will understand the above analogy.
Those that are looking for themselves in the straw will continue to look in the straw."
- Eamon Loughrey, Law of Psychegnosis
Human beings are not homogeneous, otherwise we would be robots. This is why we do not look like each or have the same character. Because we tend to 'think' we are supposed to be homogeneous is why we will always fail and we will remain Confused as to WHO I am. This is because we can not change our core character as that is who we are. Because we attack this by thinking it is the enemy, is the reason for all destruction and afflictions we see abnormally happening in such an astounding universe today. We are a wonder as we each have a unique character, it is the color of the self-awareness. it's what makes us create, it's what gives us humor, it's what gives us drive. No one and no thing can tell you WHO you are, as they can not add or juxtapose things onto your core (real) identity, this includes your thinking mind. If you were shot into outer space, where no one and no thing can no longer tell you WHO you are, all of those things will mean NO THING! The 'clothes' do not make the man. They can only serve to show you WHO you are NOT. This is neither 'bad' nor 'good' but just IS. It is what gives you the freedom to know YOU. Once you can discard all things of WHO you are NOT, the true self sticks out like a rod. Confusion dissipates. You are 100% crystal clear certain of WHO you are, through the elimination of WHO you are NOT.
You are here to explore your spark and to express this spark through exploration of the Ego. We are the most beautiful garden with so many beautiful and unique flowers sharing the same garden. You can see this spark in little children, every child has a unique spark. It cannot be changed because that IS who you are. If you try to change this INNOCENT character by defiling your self, all afflictions arise and we experience guilt, suicide, jealousy, anger, offense, pride, self-doubt, depression, .... all afflictions. <------ Confusion.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Heaven in Music: Enigma
Return to Innocence is about going back to before the pre-split of the mind, when we were attached to the whole. The video shows things rewinding.
Enigma - Return to Innocence
KNOW YOUR REALITY: The Terminologies
To familiarize you with terms frequently used on this blog:
Confusion a state we are in as a result of the split of the thinking mind from the Ego which causes the illusion of separation with the self and the world around us. We divide the Self into parts and begin to judge the parts as either 'good' or 'bad'. Our innocence is sensitive and breaks because of shock of the phenomena of fear/trauma. We begin to control our parts (which never needed fixing). From believing thinking mind is 'WHO I am', to a thought is 'WHO I am', to an emotion is 'WHO I am', to the Story is 'WHO I am', to the body is 'WHO I am'. Decision-makings are done according to each of the separate parts as we attempt to fix and analyse each. By cause and effect this is then expressed to the world in which we continue to separate even further instead of seeing it as a Whole. We are now using lots of effort to control our Story. Confusion becomes much more apparent as we become teenagers and will continue to be with us until we conquer the illusion of our selves. It is like trying to play every instrument in an orchestra, it just ends up in chaos! The orchestra plays as a Whole. We have the illusion of restricted choice, false freedom. This is Confusion.
World of the Mental Plane / World of the Story Book Plane / World of 'Good for the I' & 'Bad for the I' is the World of There which is a state all us brainwashed people are in as long as they believe and identify themselves with the thinking mind and Story, which includes thoughts and emotions and information and body. We believe there is a 'good' and a 'bad'. There is confusion as each part is separated as we forget about the Whole. All afflictions reside here. This is a dream world, illusory world. It is the tragic cause for all the chaos and destruction we see today.
World of the Awakened / The World of GOOD is the World of the Here & Now and is a completely different state than the World of the Mental Plane. People in this state are not identified with the thinking mind nor refer to their Story anymore. All becomes crystal clear as there is no Confusion. This is a completely different state not known to the 'World of the Story Book Plane'. But it is here and can be remembered. All separated parts belong to the WHOLE. The thinking mind now works in harmony via the Ego instead of separating the thinking mind, thoughts, emotions, story, nervous system. We experience peace and therefore happiness as the Ego has the real control (not emotions). Innocence has been returned. This is the real world.
Real definition of the following is NOT how the mainstream world defines it, there is a DIFFERENCE (misconstrued!) so it must be clarified to not cause any confusion:
Soul is the life energy that animates all things such as plants, animals, humans. It is seen in the physical world and therefore subject to cause & effect.
(vs The world defines Soul as what animates our body + who we are)
Ego is the same meaning as Real Self/True Self. The World thinks the word ego is Pride, Pride is only part of the Story. Ego has nothing to do with Pride nor the Story. The world thinks the Soul is who we are and ego is the pride. There is a war on words that is going on, be cautious!
There are 4 parts to us, not 2:
- The world thinks there are only 2 parts: 1. Soul: animates body + who we are; 2. Ego: Pride/illusion.
- In Absolute Reality there are 4 parts to us: 1. Soul: animates the body;(plants, animals, humans) 2. Ego: character, our self-awareness; (humans) 3. The thinking mind which just thinks; 4. Story (the thinking mind's illusion of who you 'think' you are: Illusion/Pride).The soul only animates the body (like plants and animals) and who you are is the Ego (character sets us apart from animals, which has different laws then plants and animals), which can't be the soul since the soul is part of the physical world, it is the aura that can be detected by science. You may have heard of 'prana' in Sanskrit or 'chi' in Chinese. Soul means life force! If it can be detected that means it can be seen. The Ego is UNSEEN, and therefore not subject to cause & effect since it is not physical: human self-awareness + character. You can't see those as they are not physical. It does not age, that's why the voice in our mind feels like it does not age. It is only the physical body that does. Self-awareness is what sets us apart from plants and animals. It also comes with 'colors' which is the uniqueness of our individual character. Ego is who we are, ego asks the questions, and makes the decisions. Human beings are not homogeneous, otherwise we would be robots. This is why we do not look like each or have the same character. Because we tend to 'think' we are supposed to be homogeneous is why we will always fail and remain confused. This is because we can not change our core character as that is who we are. Because we attack this by thinking it is the enemy, is the reason for all destruction and afflictions we see abnormally happening in such an astounding universe today. We are a wonder as we each have a unique character, it is the color of the self-awareness. it's what makes us create, it's what gives us humor, it's what gives us drive. No one and no thing can tell you WHO you are, as they can not add or juxtapose things onto your core (real) identity, this includes your thinking mind. If you were shot into outer space, where no one and no thing can no longer tell you WHO you are, all of those things will mean NO THING! The 'clothes' do not make the man. They can only serve to show you WHO you are NOT. This is neither 'bad' nor 'good', it is what gives you the freedom to know YOU. You are here to explore your spark and to express this spark through exploration of the Ego. We are the most beautiful garden with so many beautiful and unique flowers sharing the same garden. You can see this spark in little children, every child has a unique spark. It cannot be changed because that IS who you are. If you try to change this INNOCENT character (please read meaning of innocence on this page) by defiling your self, all afflictions arise and we experience guilt, suicide, jealousy, anger, offense, pride, self-doubt, depression, .... all afflictions. <------ Confusion. You will be surprised with this definition of ego because you are accustomed to hearing the world's definition of it. This post will explain it in more detail so that it becomes very clear for you: The Ego, the Soul, and the Illusion (vs The world defines ego as the Illusion)
The following can NOT tell you WHO you are as in they can not be added juxtaposed onto your Ego, please read the following before proceeding:
We are doings things the other way around:
- We are doing things Inside Out inversion of our selves, which is the separation and dissection: analyzing emotions, analyzing thoughts, analyzing thinking mind, analyzing stories, analyzing beliefs, analyzing others, analyzing your past, analyzing your world, and analyzing the world around you, each separately being WHO we are, the nervous system gets affected .... this is like trying to play every single instrument in an orchestra -- it is endless effort, causing disorder and chaos;
- Instead of Outside In: Ego is WHO you are and emotions, thoughts, thinking mind, story are under its expression ... although all are a part of the orchestra, none of the parts (each instrument) can tell you WHO you are as you are the Composer of the orchestra,
the nervous system now functions normally
---- it is effortless, you are in PEACE & HARMONY -----> the Whole.
Story is just a story. It is neither 'good' nor 'bad' as it is just a story, it is therefore GOOD. The Story is what you tell your self based on your past, beliefs, and who you 'think you are. because we have been conditioned to believe there are parts that are 'good for the i' and 'bad for the I'. It is the Grand Illusion which figureheads are Blame and Guilt due to coping with our identity which we replace with Pride (instead of the true self, since we are unable to 'locate' it). In this story, Pride is the judge and the verdict is our emotional reactions. This happens in our entire life, it is perpetual. We constantly do this internally and expressed outwards to the world. It ranges from extremely subtle to extremely obvious. We begin to blame and deny ourselves which led to us having to lie, which is neither a 'good' nor a 'bad'. It is just a self-preservation lie that protects us in order to keep us happy -- no one is to blame since we have no choice due to self-preservation. This lie then has to create a Story of our Selves -- which acts as a self-defense system that guards our own Story -- in which we now have to keep up with. The believing in 'good for the I' and ‘bad for the I’ will cause a Reflection to arise that will always be searching for the good and bad within you and now needs to keep up with the Story. The Story eventually will have control over you as you begin to believe you are your Story in which you make choices according to it and now you are automatically looking for what will either enhance it or deflate it, to keep the Story alive. We become unaware to true freedom of choice as we go along in Life, instead we 'think' we have restricted or no choice because of confusion, because we don't question the Story. We begin to protect and self-defend the Story to our own selves. Through cause & effect, we protect and self-defend our story from others. We protect the Story, not the person behind it. There are Reflections of the Story that will look to judge which is ‘good’ which will be looking at anything to enhance our story (our definitions are all different; again every person has a unique way to define what is ‘good’ for themselves). it will look to reject or resist anything that goes against our Story, our happiness. The Reflection of the Story is looking at you/judging you and the Reflection of the Story will look at others/judge others which will Cause the illusion of Separation. Separation gives rise to confusion of what’s real and who you really are. We fall in a dream-like state the stronger our connection to our Story is. The Story controls us. You can see this begin to happen in children, after conditioning of 'good' -- which encourages praise -- and 'bad' -- which encourages punishment -- begins to set in. They will start to lie in order to receive praise and avoid punishment. Fear makes it difficult for people to let go of their Story controlling them. Fear is because of confusion that your story might be right, due to emotional control. If the Story is asking the questioning instead of the Ego, the Story will give you a hollow answer and you will stay confused. Ego absorbs the solid answer. Because the Story runs us, we do all types of things to try and control it. (vs The world defines Story as Ego)
Illusion and Reflection and Inner Child are the same meanings. Illusion/Reflection/Inner Child is the self-defense system of your Story. This can internally assist you in pinpointing who/what controls decision making your Ego vs the Story.
Thinking Mind is designed perfectly and just designed to think. It is neither 'good' nor 'bad' it just thinks so it is GOOD. It is physical It is not designed to tell us WHO we are. It works in harmony with the Ego (nonphysical) as long as the Ego is the one that is driving the car (the physical body).
Thoughts are just thoughts, they function normally, they are neither 'good' nor 'bad', but GOOD. It is when we take them to be WHO we are that causes chaos. For example would you take a thought 2 + 2 = 4 to be WHO you are? Of course not. They will then turn on us, we are being chased by thoughts.
Emotions are the piano keys of the body, they function normally, they are neither 'good' nor 'bad' they are just emotions which is GOOD. It is when we take emotions to be WHO we are that causes chaos and loss of control over emotions, it is the cause of destruction in all human history if we continue to take them to be WHO we are. They will then turn on us, we are being chased by emotions.
Nervous System is affected if you divide your self into parts as each being WHO you are which consequently affects the natural function of the nervous system causing damage to the harmony and peacefulness of the body. Those who are familiar with chakras, chakras are part of the nervous system.
Body everything in the body is designed perfectly and functions the way it is designed to without us trying to control it. All we do is nourish the body and give it rest.
QUEEN PRIDE: The Heart of Darkness
- The right to exist has nothing to do with Pride, although often misconstrued!
- The right to exist has to do with Absolute Reality and Pride only has to do with our Story
- We innocently look for Pride out of confusion, but then Pride eventually chases us
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Queen Pride: The Heart of Darkness |
What or Who rules your kingdom: Pride or You? The Choice is up to you, but be aware first that Pride is not alive and has no conscience, just like Frankenstein.
Every person has pride.
We are always coping with who we are internally because of Confusion, we are not able to know our Selves clearly. So we began to struggle with the “I” (our Story) as the result of the illusion of separation. And Pride was born out of this confusion. Pride is the judge, it is the Opinion Master. It makes the judgements. It tells you who you are, what to do, what to think, and where you stand in your Story. The Queen keeps the Story court in order. Pride is neither 'good' nor 'bad'. There is no one to blame, it is just us handing over the responsibility to the thinking mind to keep us happy and it is doing as it's told according to its capabilities, this includes the self-defense of our story (which we can easily misconstrue by thinking it is the self-defense of our actual life). That gives you an idea how powerful and amazing the thinking mind is. However because it has no conscience, it will restrict choice and actions. Which is an illusion. We have freedom of choice and freedom to choose. We first need to restrict Pride's movements, and then you conquer. The thinking mind can NOT tell you WHO you are. But it can serve to tell you who you are NOT, which means you have freedom to be YOU. You conquer your Pride, your kingdom is returned -- that is the checkmate!
Pride is the imbalance of us internally trying to locate the true self (because of separation from the whole) as it inflates (enhances significance) and deflates (undermines significance) throughout our lives. Pride is an illusion of the self. The true self (ego, read the real terminology: Ego terminology and The Ego, The Soul, and The Illusion) doesn't need Pride as you are connected with all things, connected to the Whole and you do not need to prove your Self. So the true self does not need judgement!
Pride is the most dangerous affliction of all and is what causes all the other afflictions. We are only driven by an answer, and driven by and what the answer is. We think we already know what the answer is. We think we know what the Story is. Pride is the ultimate delusion, it is a sickness. It is what is intoxicating the world. It is the Illusion of knowledge, illusion that we already know the answer. Pride is either inflated or deflated. BOTH ARE STILL PRIDE!
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Inflation of the 'I', appearing only your 'I' world exists, leads to downfall (no foundation) |
- Inflation of the ‘I’ (enhancing your Story): BLAMES. Dominating. Declares supremacy. The illusion of strength. Above the law, above what is real. I know the answer, I am right you are wrong. I am better than you. I know better than you. I told you so. He/she is to blame. I speak first! My story is better than your story. Pride is what causes impatience. Pride is always in a hurry. Pride is what causes us to be controlled by our emotions. Pride makes us react swiftly mentally, verbally, and emotionally (without thinking). Pride is what makes us deny others. Pride keeps us unsatisfied, wanting to always look for satisfaction, to prove our selves to others, because it’s a ghost that we use to ‘make us satisfied’.
- Deflation of the ‘I’ (insignificance of your Story): GUILTY. Dominated. Declares defeat. It’s what makes us subordinate/weak. He/she is better than me. They know the answer. Because they said so. My story has no value, no significance. Pride causes procrastination. It causes low confidence. It causes Shame.
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Deflation of the ' I' is still Pride, the appearance of no internal Choice, stuck, dead-end |
Prejudice is the enemy of Wisdom.
So we are on a path (that you can’t see) and the path continues. That means we are continuing to LEARN at all times. Therefore we are not driven by the answer (Pride) but instead driven by the question (Curiosity). The Illusion is afraid of the truth because of Pride and Ignorance. So Fear is denying the Real Self because we think the Illusion is real. Pride is the darkness that grows within us, casting a shadow over our world, the heart of darkness. Pride makes the judgement, and the verdict is your emotional reaction: guilty, shame, anger, offended, jealousy, vanity, greed, superiority, worry, impatience, .... all the afflictions. Fear makes it difficult for people to let go of their Story controlling them. Fear is because of confusion that your story might be right, But how can you fear an illusion since it's just an illusion? That's the danger of Pride, it is like being in jail!
“Only speak when you’re spoken to.”
What does that even mean? "Don’t speak until you are spoken to”? Listen to what you see. It means LISTEN FIRST! The speed of light travels faster than the speed of sound.
Listen to what though? Patience, because we love getting ahead of ourselves. It means don’t act on an impulse. It means to slow down. It means to wait. This is related to pride wanting to assume, appearing you already have the answer which causes impulse in us to speak first to think an opinion first! Like looking at the rear-view mirror instead of what's in front of you. How do you know the answer before understanding what the question is?
Pride is is the Ruler of the mental world, the 2-dimensional world. It uses your eyes and ears to only see in 2-dimensional even if everything 'appear's 3D.
When we stop being driven by the answer (the rear-view mirror), all afflictions, habits, behaviors, obsessions, addictions, and procrastination-- mental and its effect expressed in our physical -- become useless.
Pride is that 'urge' within you that arises in your internal world FIRST to react on all thing. Once you get the hang of it when you lower it's frequency, you will see it as almost a separate entity within you that you need to 'calm down'. It is like a parent (the real you) holding a child's hand (pride). Pride (the child) will act recklessly without the parent's guidance. So what you want to do is not treat the child as an enemy but you just want to 'parent' it, 'let's go my way'. The 'urges' does the following within you:
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The Tortoise and the Hare The Hare (pride) thinks it knows what the answer is. The Tortoise (humility) takes it's time. |
Listen to what though? Patience, because we love getting ahead of ourselves. It means don’t act on an impulse. It means to slow down. It means to wait. This is related to pride wanting to assume, appearing you already have the answer which causes impulse in us to speak first to think an opinion first! Like looking at the rear-view mirror instead of what's in front of you. How do you know the answer before understanding what the question is?
Pride is is the Ruler of the mental world, the 2-dimensional world. It uses your eyes and ears to only see in 2-dimensional even if everything 'appear's 3D.
When we stop being driven by the answer (the rear-view mirror), all afflictions, habits, behaviors, obsessions, addictions, and procrastination-- mental and its effect expressed in our physical -- become useless.
Pride is that 'urge' within you that arises in your internal world FIRST to react on all thing. Once you get the hang of it when you lower it's frequency, you will see it as almost a separate entity within you that you need to 'calm down'. It is like a parent (the real you) holding a child's hand (pride). Pride (the child) will act recklessly without the parent's guidance. So what you want to do is not treat the child as an enemy but you just want to 'parent' it, 'let's go my way'. The 'urges' does the following within you:
Who wants to speak first? Pride. Who doesn't want to listen? Pride. Who doesn't want to know? Pride. Who resists? Pride. Who panics? Pride. Who does the poopooing? Pride. Who keeps questioning? Pride. Who answers those questions? Pride. Who doesn't want to ask the real questions? Pride. Who does the blaming? Pride. Who does the self-doubting? Pride. Who does the justifying? Pride. Who talks back? Pride. Who denies the truth? Pride. Who denies the Self? Pride.
Once you get the hang of these urges, you have now pinpointed the pride 'entity' and can 'control' the urges as the more percentage of you takes the wheel. So in the beginning, Pride has a percentage of its control over you. Once you get the hang of controlling the urges by not reacting to it (refer to parent-child relationship), the more percentage of the real you will take control. Remember that we are accustomed to Pride being WHO I am, so we must be vigilant when it wants to raise its head.
It’s the question that drives us. Not the answer. That is where pride ENDS.
Where Pride ends, real strength begins. Where Pride ends, Peace begins. Where Pride ends, Gratitude begins. Where Pride ends, Listening begins. Where Pride ends, Wisdom begins. When we surrender Pride we return to our Selves and with all things. We dance in its glory. We can dance because we are no longer driven by the answer. We are only driven by wonder and wonder is what give us JOY! It’s what gives us POETRY! When we SURRENDER Pride we cease the tragedy of separation. This is the real definition of INNOCENCE.
Pride is difficult to admit but once you can admit it you then have peace with it and then it can be conquered with joy :)
Monday, February 9, 2015
Heaven in Music: Youssou N'Dour feat Neneh Cherry
7 Seconds is a song about the tragedy of separation from all that is.
Youssou N'Dour - 7 Seconds feat. Neneh Cherry
Sunday, February 8, 2015
WORLD OF THE STORYBOOK PLANE: Through the Looking-Glass
We are always looking. What are the subtleties we are subconsciously looking for? What are the glasses that you are always wearing that is hindering you from LITERALLY perceiving the real you and real life, Absolute Reality?
“If you are a dreamer, come in,
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hoper a pray-er, a magic-bean-buyer,
If you're a pretender come sit by my fire,
For we have some flax golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!”
- Shell Silverstein
“If you are a dreamer, come in,
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hoper a pray-er, a magic-bean-buyer,
If you're a pretender come sit by my fire,
For we have some flax golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!”
The Story
Once upon a time as a child, we learn that there is a 'good for the I', which encourages praise; and 'bad for the I', which encourages punishment. Then believing that a 'good for the I' will earn praise and a ‘bad for the I’ will cause harm, we begin to look into the thinking mind as maybe that is 'WHO I am' since we have to cope with the strange beliefs system of the world, parents, teachers, society ... Of course that would mean that we would have to lie about who we actually are -- in order for the thinking mind to create its own stories within the Adventure, that will make us fit into how the world is supposed to be. Of course it would have to be a story apart from what is really happening in real Adventure life. But now we are puzzled by this dreadfully confusing situation. Since now we have to keep up with these ... made-up stories, but of course, that's because we need to safeguard our peace and therefore happiness, you know. We will forget about who we really are, real Adventure life -- just for now and go with the story of the beliefs of the world. After all, we will have to return at some point. Errr .....
The story world within real life Adventure begins. It forms its own Storybook complete with a series of chapters and stories. It will include what you believe the Story World to be, what you see the world to believe, your own beliefs juxtaposed on top of the world beliefs, how you suppose your story's character to be juxtaposed on top of who you really are (the ego: real life definition and also this post The Ego, The Soul, and The Illusion), your judgements, your past, your fears, frustrations, and desires, and of course all of those fun, strange, and quirky characters who do such things as to tell you who you are and how things are supposed to be -- a whole Storybook within the Adventure.
We begin to separate the Self into parts, causing a split from Absolute Reality (real life) and into the lone Storybook. This disconnects us with real life and we become confused. Remember we are just pretending ..... as The WHOLE, obviously, doesn't need fixing, it is perfect. We just need to be safe in this strange ways of Story World, as we go along with it.
But now in real life, this is INNOCENCE LOST as we shall now see ...
So in your original story in real life -- the real Adventure -- you began to create stories of Storybook of 'I' to fit into the Story World: which narrates your past, your fears, frustrations, and desires, and a who's who. We first experienced the pain of feeling guilty which caused us to begin blaming. We do this to ourselves and to protect the Self. We then look at our own thoughts and begin to take them personally by analyzing them as either 'Good for the I' or 'Bad for the I' instead of just a thought.
But now we have to manage this Confusion so we need to appoint a judge to manage our happiness and safety (from blame and guilt) in the Story World. So Judge Pride, the Opinion Master, is now in charge of all the judgements in the Story. It will manage the 'I' of the story. The judgement will either be a 'good for the I' or a 'bad for the I'. Pride tells you who you are, what to do, where you stand, and where to go -- not in real life for Pride doesn't exist in real life -- but in your own Story World. Pride is neither a 'good' nor a 'bad', we have just given responsibility over to the thinking mind to manage our happiness, which it is not able to do so because it does not have a conscience.
Then there is something eery happening in the Story World. We react to the judgement! Emotions are just ... the piano keys of the body. But! Now the emotions reacts to Judgment Pride! We begin to take emotions personally as we lose control of the piano keys. And then we tumble down the rabbit hole of the thinking mind. We then begin to believe emotions are 'WHO I am'. For example you will say 'I AM mad' instead of 'I feel mad'. The nervous system will naturally be affected and then you think it is all real, that the story is real. You will believe your nervous system is 'WHO I am'. We now believe we are the actual belief instead of just a belief. The story now is a Law (belief) of our 'I' world and we mistakenly give life to all these separate things by becoming (making each one 'alive') all the things we believe is WHO I am.
So we are separating the parts of the Self as if each part needs fixing because we have lost control of emotions. We lose control because of our reactions to the judgements of the reflections in the Storybook, our thinking mind. The emotional reaction will give the story an inflictive verdict: love it, fight it, hate it, get angry with it, sabotage it, get depressed with it, feel guilty, feel superior, vanity, get offended, etc etc. This now becomes a Law: the belief being WHO I am along with corresponding thought stories and emotions. You are in self-doubt because of confusion as to what is real, the Story World (what the thinking mind is telling you, the World of 'I') or you and real life, Absolute Reality? So much confusion and self-doubt you can't remember if you are just pretending anymore ....
So the choices we are making are being made by something that is not alive, it does not have a soul nor conscience. It is an Illusion. It is just a story. You are the one that is alive, you have the soul! Remember? Your Ego has the conscience and peace. But the real world seems to be in some far away land that we will return to, but for now, let's go back to the Story World.....
The 'I' in this story is 'born'.
The story world within real life Adventure begins. It forms its own Storybook complete with a series of chapters and stories. It will include what you believe the Story World to be, what you see the world to believe, your own beliefs juxtaposed on top of the world beliefs, how you suppose your story's character to be juxtaposed on top of who you really are (the ego: real life definition and also this post The Ego, The Soul, and The Illusion), your judgements, your past, your fears, frustrations, and desires, and of course all of those fun, strange, and quirky characters who do such things as to tell you who you are and how things are supposed to be -- a whole Storybook within the Adventure.
We begin to separate the Self into parts, causing a split from Absolute Reality (real life) and into the lone Storybook. This disconnects us with real life and we become confused. Remember we are just pretending ..... as The WHOLE, obviously, doesn't need fixing, it is perfect. We just need to be safe in this strange ways of Story World, as we go along with it.
But now in real life, this is INNOCENCE LOST as we shall now see ...
So in your original story in real life -- the real Adventure -- you began to create stories of Storybook of 'I' to fit into the Story World: which narrates your past, your fears, frustrations, and desires, and a who's who. We first experienced the pain of feeling guilty which caused us to begin blaming. We do this to ourselves and to protect the Self. We then look at our own thoughts and begin to take them personally by analyzing them as either 'Good for the I' or 'Bad for the I' instead of just a thought.
But now we have to manage this Confusion so we need to appoint a judge to manage our happiness and safety (from blame and guilt) in the Story World. So Judge Pride, the Opinion Master, is now in charge of all the judgements in the Story. It will manage the 'I' of the story. The judgement will either be a 'good for the I' or a 'bad for the I'. Pride tells you who you are, what to do, where you stand, and where to go -- not in real life for Pride doesn't exist in real life -- but in your own Story World. Pride is neither a 'good' nor a 'bad', we have just given responsibility over to the thinking mind to manage our happiness, which it is not able to do so because it does not have a conscience.
Then there is something eery happening in the Story World. We react to the judgement! Emotions are just ... the piano keys of the body. But! Now the emotions reacts to Judgment Pride! We begin to take emotions personally as we lose control of the piano keys. And then we tumble down the rabbit hole of the thinking mind. We then begin to believe emotions are 'WHO I am'. For example you will say 'I AM mad' instead of 'I feel mad'. The nervous system will naturally be affected and then you think it is all real, that the story is real. You will believe your nervous system is 'WHO I am'. We now believe we are the actual belief instead of just a belief. The story now is a Law (belief) of our 'I' world and we mistakenly give life to all these separate things by becoming (making each one 'alive') all the things we believe is WHO I am.
So we are separating the parts of the Self as if each part needs fixing because we have lost control of emotions. We lose control because of our reactions to the judgements of the reflections in the Storybook, our thinking mind. The emotional reaction will give the story an inflictive verdict: love it, fight it, hate it, get angry with it, sabotage it, get depressed with it, feel guilty, feel superior, vanity, get offended, etc etc. This now becomes a Law: the belief being WHO I am along with corresponding thought stories and emotions. You are in self-doubt because of confusion as to what is real, the Story World (what the thinking mind is telling you, the World of 'I') or you and real life, Absolute Reality? So much confusion and self-doubt you can't remember if you are just pretending anymore ....
'Who are you?' said the Caterpillar.
This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, 'I — I hardly know, sir, just at present — at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.'
'What do you mean by that?' said the Caterpillar sternly. 'Explain yourself!'
'I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, sir' said Alice, 'because I'm not myself, you see.'
'I don't see,' said the Caterpillar.
'I'm afraid I can't put it more clearly,' Alice replied very politely, 'for I can't understand it myself to begin with; and being so many different sizes in a day is very confusing.'
'It isn't,' said the Caterpillar.
- Through the Looking Glass: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
The Story continues to grow as it eventually takes full control over you and dominates over your being, the real person. You become addicted to the Storybook. Now, you will believe WHO you are is the Story (and not the person) and the Story Narrator will tell you who you are and where to go, you are coping with trying to find your Self, you are coping with Pride, the 'I'. You are automatically making choices according to the Story by which will look to either 1. enhance/inflate the 'I'/Exaggerated, Blame others, dominating others, trying to hold on to a story by chasing it; or 2. deflate/make the 'I' insignificant/Self-Doubt, Blamed, being dominated, being chased by a story ....... as you keep the story moving. Either way you are still being dominated by a Story, the false internal control of cause & effect (as cause & effect only exists in the physical world):
- Being dominant in the Story, APPEARING like you are dominating others in the Story (everyone else is to blame) and not Absolute Reality (inflation, enhancing, dominated by the story), NARRATED by you looking at the mirror (looking at the reflection in the thinking mind), the reflection being 'good for the I', and judged by Pride as right, which we react with an emotional verdict, and therefore affects our nervous system -- it is just a reflection, just emotions, the story is not alive, it is not real, it appears real because our nervous system is now affected; losing literal sight of real life (Ego/Absolute Reality/Whole) because you are dominating the reflections in the mirror. It is the exaggeration of the Self. It is trying to hold onto a story which you just can't hold on to because it's just a story (not tangible), just like in a dream. A story in your life holding these characteristics can be extremely subtle or very obvious.
- The 'I' being dominated by what is happening by separating you from Absolute Reality by APPEARING like you are blamed (deflation, insignificance), NARRATED by you looking at the mirror (looking at the reflection in the thinking mind), the reflection being 'bad for the I', which is judged by Pride as wrong, which we react with an emotional verdict, and therefore affects our nervous system -- it is just a reflection, and just emotions, the story is not alive, it is not real, it appears real because our nervous system is now affected; losing literal sight of the real life (Ego/Absolute Reality/Whole) because you are overwhelmed and dominated by strong emotions of the dream-state, whereby you feel you have self-doubt, lost control of your scary emotions as they dominate you. It is trying to runaway from a story like being chased but you're just being chased by a story (not tangible), just like in a nightmare. A story holding these characteristics in your life can be extremely subtle or very obvious.
This gives rise to all afflictions such as pride, anger, jealousy, depression, delusion, guilt, blame, denial, vanity, superiority, power, and on and on, etc. All afflictions and things we take personally (to be WHO I am) are related only to the Story and does NOT exist in the real world, Absolute Reality.
So the choices we are making are being made by something that is not alive, it does not have a soul nor conscience. It is an Illusion. It is just a story. You are the one that is alive, you have the soul! Remember? Your Ego has the conscience and peace. But the real world seems to be in some far away land that we will return to, but for now, let's go back to the Story World.....
By Cause & Effect, this is an internal struggle causing the outwards struggle which is:
Our Story and the emotions now controls our behavior and actions are looking for the ‘bad’ and ‘good’ out in the world such as other people’s behavior or actions that either inflates or deflates the 'I'. We will also need to self-defend our Story from others because Pride needs to KEEP THE STORY ALIVE. But how can a story be alive, if it's just a story?
There is now a whole of list of things we are now taking personally (WHO I am) and Queen Pride is what keeps the Story in order: the Reflection of the Story is looking at you/judging you and the Reflection of the Story will look at others/judge others which will Cause the illusion of Separation. So we first separate with our own Self when confusion gave rise to the 'I', then we separate with others causing more confusion and the more that we take to be WHO I am, be it an emotion, to a thought belief, to a story, to a person all the things we take personally, feeds the illusion of separation. We look at others as stories instead of real human beings. No thing is REAL anymore because we are only looking at stories. We each tumble down the rabbit hole and into the thinking mind, being pulled by an emotional dream-like state. We are now viewing our world from inside the thinking mind and not the real world which contains the real essence and language of real life. The stronger our connection to our Storybook is, the stronger you are pulled in its direction, the more you 'think' you have restricted choice. The Storybook and all the emotions that comes with it, you see, now begins to chase you ....
This. Is. Happening. With. Every. Person.
This is why NO ONE IS TO BLAME. This is why there APPEARS to be Bad in this world. But in reality there are ONLY Bad Choices. In Absolute Reality there is only GOOD. The Stories (the Separation from Absolute Reality) controls us and the World. We are in a dream-like state as long as we are in the 'World of the Storybook Plane', the Story matrix. Everyone is confused and that is why everyone has their own opinion on what the world is and what is going on, because in this world Opinion is always right! We are the fish swimming in the ocean. The fish will not know it is in an ocean until it is out of the ocean. We are forgetting that real life is just there and has always been there, there is a whole world out there.
This is why NO ONE IS TO BLAME. This is why there APPEARS to be Bad in this world. But in reality there are ONLY Bad Choices. In Absolute Reality there is only GOOD. The Stories (the Separation from Absolute Reality) controls us and the World. We are in a dream-like state as long as we are in the 'World of the Storybook Plane', the Story matrix. Everyone is confused and that is why everyone has their own opinion on what the world is and what is going on, because in this world Opinion is always right! We are the fish swimming in the ocean. The fish will not know it is in an ocean until it is out of the ocean. We are forgetting that real life is just there and has always been there, there is a whole world out there.
This is the Grand Illusion.
We must let go of our Story 'I' to cease separating the Self into parts and become Whole again. It is like playing every single instrument in an orchestra which does nothing but cause chaos. Although all are a part of the orchestra, none of the parts (each instrument) can tell you WHO you are as you are the Composer (the Ego, please read the definition of this here because there is confusion on what this means:ego) of the orchestra. We must return the separate parts back to the Whole in order to cease confusion and return peace and harmony back into our lives. This is our INNOCENCE RETURNED.
We are in a Story World and we are the 'I' in our own Storybook which is an emotional dream-like state, it will give rise to physical and mental perceptions that will literally blur our world; It will blur what is true and what is false and create what is true and what is false according to what exists in the Story World. It has several reflections that you will need to remove in order to see Absolute Reality, the Looking Glass.
The first and foremost reflection has on:
- The "LOOKING-TO-Inflate the I-LENS" and "LOOKING-TO-Deflate the I-LENS". This LENS will cause further reflections to sprout that will now be looking for the following:
"Off with their heads!"
- Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass: Alice's Adventure in Wonderland
BLAME: “There it is!”
- A reflection has the "LOOKING-FOR-BLAME LENS"
The following can be extremely subtle or very obvious so carefully contemplate without judging your own self, because you know, it's only Pride:The thinking mind is looking to blame and point fingers to what it thinks is ‘bad for the I’ be it a thought, an emotion, a person, an idea, an experience, a story, a phenomena, etc. ‘There it is!’ It is the lens we layer over what just IS (Absolute Reality), as we go through life. So it acts as a filter in Life but it does not exist in the real world, it is Separate, that’s what is meant by ‘layer on top’ of what IS. The only thing that is Bad is ONLY Choice (full stop!!) that we make. We can make a bad Choice (by itself!) but not one no thing is ‘bad’ in and of itself. We have on a LENS, so it is only an appearance.
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Edward Scissorhands |
This happens in the world because it is the Effect from its Cause, which is the internal struggle! We do this to our Self all the time (extremely subtle or very obvious) all the while forgetting who we are, denying the true self because the reflections is busy at war. This war is a continuous, perpetual cycle within us. Veni vidi vici.
This is the inner struggle with Blamer-Blamed-Guilt, and through Cause & Effect, it causes the outward struggle towards the world. Blame causes all kinds of Anger, Guilt, Depression, Sabotage, Jealousy, and Suicide. We do this to our Selves and others because ‘that’s the ‘bad’ guy’. ‘There it is’. When we remove the 'Looking-for-Blame-LENS', Guilt and Anger within us automatically disappears and the war is over.
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The Hunchback of Notre Dame |
Don’t expect to understand ‘there is neither ‘good for the I’ nor ‘bad for the I’ now especially if you have never contemplated it before!
Curiouser and curiouser ....
“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?""That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.""I don't much care where –""Then it doesn't matter which way you go.”
- Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
WHERE is ‘There’?
- A reflection has on the "THERE-LENS"
Life will be a series of internal story chases, past, people, situations, desires, frustrations, beliefs, etc etc : You either chasing after a story because you either want to hold on to it; or you will be running away from the story. You will always be running either way and where are you running to? It is just a story, which is not tangible. The inner chase is like Tom & Jerry. The story is always the same and the chasing and being chased never ends. The story is just a story which is subject to change because it is in the physical world (Cause & Effect). You can change the plot once you see that it is just a story. The person is still just standing HERE.
So let's explain this internal struggle another way:
So when it comes to WHERE you are, "There" is nowhere to be found. It is the result of separation when the mind splits. This is why we procrastinate, this is why we say ‘when I get there’, we are looking at the future, this is why we chase. What are we chasing for? We keep looking for who we are, searching. This is why we are running. Where are we running to? Where is ‘There’?? The reflection is always looking for ‘There’. ‘There' is NOWHERE to be found. There is only HERE. A reflection of your real self, a LENS, will always be searching for a story to hold onto so that it can identify you, you will never be satisfied, because it will never find 'There' as long as you are Here. This should be contemplated and observed in order for you to see the real meaning behind this. It is causing your reflection, the story of your Self to never be satisfied. It is IMPOSSIBLE to attain peace and happiness if we are always looking ‘There’, which cant exist because there is only NOW.So let's explain this internal struggle another way:
The 'Clothes' Do Not Make the Man
Human beings are not homogeneous, otherwise we would be robots. This is why we do not look like each or have the same character. Because we tend to 'think' we are supposed to be homogeneous is why we will always fail and remain confused. This is because we can not change our core character (ego) as that is who we are. Because we attack this by thinking it is the enemy (blame), is the reason for all destruction and afflictions we see abnormally happening in such an astounding universe today. We are a wonder as we each have a unique character, it is the color of the self-awareness. It is what makes us creators, it's what gives us humor, it's what gives us drive. No one and no thing and no beliefs and no situation nor surroundings nor past nor upbringing nor where you are from can tell you WHO you are, as they are not 'alive' and can not add or juxtapose things onto your real identity, this includes your thinking mind thoughts and beliefs. Every thought you have that you take to be WHO you are is an Opinion which puts together a Belief story to explain whatever you are thinking about. The belief becomes 'real'. The more thought you think is you, the more stories begin bridging together and begin to seem real and then we think the story is WHO I am. We have to understand that these thoughts are just a story. The story is not WHO I am as it is not alive, it is separate from what just exists. It just appears to be real as it is just a story. It is the juxtaposition you add on top of what IS. There is nothing wrong with this. They are just the clothes you put on reality. It is simply just a distraction. It does not exist in the real life.
If you were shot into outer space, where no one and no thing can no longer tell you WHAT you are, all of those things will mean NO THING! The 'clothes' do not make the man. All of these can only serve to show you WHAT you are NOT. That they are just clothes. This is neither 'bad' nor 'good', only GOOD since peace offers us freedom of Choice. WHO you are is HERE, right now which means real time, in the very moment, no where else. You are here to explore your spark and to express this spark through exploration of the Ego (the spark!) in the manifestation and beauty of the human body. We are the most beautiful garden, with so many beautiful and unique flowers sharing the same garden. You can see this spark in little children, every child has a unique spark. It cannot be changed because that IS who they are. If you try to change this INNOCENT character by defiling your self (deep subconscious of blame-guilt), all afflictions arise and we experience guilt, suicide, jealousy, anger, offense, pride, self-doubt, depression, .... all afflictions. <------- Confusion.
We need to remove these reflections, these LENSES: 1. "Looking-to-Inflate the I -LENS" 2. "Looking-to-Deflate/Make insignificant of the I-LENS" 3. "Looking-to-Blame-LENS" 4. "There-LENS"
This is what it looks like when trying to find "Blame", "There", and your story (the past):
2010: Mandelbrot Odyssey
It is NOWHERE to be found!
Other LENS includes the emotional afflictions that Pride inflicts and all has to do with our Story and seeking to please and satisfy the 'end-game', which is emotions (by fixing and replacing due to the loss of control) that accommodate it, and not the real person: "Looking to want-LENS" in order to please and satisfy emotions; "Looking to know-LENS" in order to please and satisfy emotions; "Looking for more-LENS" in order to please and satisfy emotions; "Looking to Self-Satisfy-LENS" in order to please and satisfy emotions, "Procrastination-LENS" in order to please and satisfy emotions; a LENS can be any attachment/addiction you have such as i.e. a person, smoking, etc all are because we are dominated by trying to please and satisfy emotions within a Story and NOT the real person and real life! So we are forgetting about WHO I am and real life. We are hinging our real character on the conditions of Story, and therefore 'lose' WHO I am because we are trying to please, fix, replace, and satisfy emotions instead.
Continue contemplating the LENSES you wear, so that you can collect the evidence for removal.
'You've begun wrong!' cried Tweedledum. 'The first thing in a visit is to say "How d'ye do?" and shake hands!' And here the two brothers gave each other a hug, and then they held out the two hands that were free, to shake hands with her.
Alice did not like shaking hands with either of them first, for fear of hurting the other one's feelings; so, as the best way out of the difficulty, she took hold of both hands at once: the next moment they were dancing round in a ring. This seemed quite natural (she remembered afterwards), and she was not even surprised to hear music playing: it seemed to come from the tree under which they were dancing, and it was done (as well as she could make it out) by the branches rubbing one across the other, like fiddles and fiddle-sticks.
'But it certainly was funny,' (Alice said afterwards, when she was telling her sister the history of all this), 'to find myself singing "Here we go round the mulberry bush." I don't know when I began it, but somehow I felt as if I'd been singing it a long long time!'
- Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Denial of the Self (because of Blamer-Blamed-Guilt)
What / Who is alive?
In the film 25th Hour, Montgomery Brogan's (Edward Norton) is looking at the mirror, he sees his reflection as he narrates what he is seeing. He sees the reflection in his world, inside his 'I' World, he is talking to the reflections, telling them what to do, telling himself what to think of the reflections, and the story in the mirror controls his moves, and choices. It blames everyone and everything, it is looking everywhere but Here, as he narrates the entire Storybook, the reflections are alive. Until he can finally see all reflections culminating into the simple (and shocking) truth, the Grand Illusion is unveiled: he sees only himself standing alone, quiet looking at a simple reflection. At the culmination, his ghost of pride drops, he sees his real self, who was listening to the stories in the mirror, which seemed very much alive with thoughts and emotions, and all those characters, and so much noise, a circus in his mind. All of these are juxtaposed onto what just IS ....All is silent as he sees the simpleness of Absolute Reality, it was just a reflection he was analyzing, it is not alive. He sees all reflections (illusions) collapsing into one, the 'I' World drops its curtain:, the true self, the Ego, the real (alive) person in real life is on the other side of the mirror. Then he understands the tragedy.
Blamer-Blamed-Guilt has only to do with the Story (mental plane), and does not exist in Absolute Reality, that is what is meant by Denying (not acknowledging) that the Self is HERE (not in the mental plane). It is because you believe story is WHO I am and therefore Blame is WHO I am and therefore Guilt is WHO I am, all the while not acknowledging real life, real you. You must comprehend that you are NOT your story (the clothes you are wearing, is just clothes, just a story, just a reflection in the mind) so you can stop blaming the SELF who is just standing around, while the circus of Confusion is going on. The only 'thing' that needs to be 'blamed' is just because you can't see due to the fact that there is Confusion which is why we feel 'guilty': you under the shadow of 'thinking' Pride is WHO I am, for pride is just an opinion-maker and seeks to justify a judgement over what actually just IS so we can stop trying to please our emotional verdicts. Pride (due to confusion) puts a shadow over our being and that is why we can't 'see'. Release pride (the 'I think', which is the thinking mind is WHO I am) because it and the thoughts and emotions (that we lose control of) are not alive it is blameless and therefore you can release the story it is chasing around: everything that exists in the mental plane, in the mirror which APPEARS to exist in real life. You no longer have to feel Guilty that they are WHO you are. That is all the chase is about -- WHO, WHAT, and WHERE you are NOT. Release all as they are ALL NOT WHO I AM, and then the chase in the mirror (in the thinking mind, which is all 'There') disappears with the comprehension that you are NOT the thinking mind. The thinking mind will then stop putting together its own false mental and visual perceptions to reveal Absolute Reality, where all is true, since now you hold the truth. The true Self, which just IS, is standing in real life NOW, HERE, where the AM exists. You can breathe a sigh of relief, the chase is over.
So .... "There-LENS" is the Denial of the Self! It is the APPEARANCE of Separation from the whole. But in fact all is part of the whole! After all, scientists -- the people who we supposedly go to in order to let us know what is really happening! -- is now understanding this, the quantum physics of existence.
Separation causes the Denial of the Self.
If you believe you are the 'I' ..... then, well, you are in a Story World.
The reflections control us. We are narrating and judging what we see in the reflection. If you are talking out loud, why would you (subconsciously) say 'You' to a mirror? Why would you say 'I' inside your thinking mind, like you are describing and explaining your self and your world, like you are reading your own story AS IT IS HAPPENING in your 'world', like an echo? That would mean that all the stories that you take personally, to be WHO I am, are being seen from only inside your mind -- the inner mirror of you and the world -- as you are trying to narrate, judge, and react emotionally to what you see (these can be extremely subtle to very obvious). You are just analyzing what it is by seeing how it fits in to your Story. Do that multiple to thousands of times and then you will realize that it will eventually begin to bridge together everything that you take personally until your whole world is now being seen like a storybook. From only the 2-dimensional mental plane. Some people's connections to their story are stronger than others. This is the World of the Storybook Plane/World of the Mental Plane.
But! Of course every good story has a good ending: The true self, YOU, the Narrator, is on the other side of the mirror and will always be there. If you try to meditate your way out, you will not do your self any good because you are going back inside the mirror, which is INSANE! If you try to get out of the mirror by going to a psychiatrist, they will do nothing for you but make you go back inside the mirror to analyze it! That is INSANITY!
It may be easy to understand all of this in the world of the mind but it takes ONE person to see it -- so YOU must have the Courage to step out of the mental world/plane and into real life! So first thing you do is begin to question the mirror. In order to do so, you need to stop pretending you are Judge Pride! (drop your pride and know what Pride is here: Pride: The Heart of Darkness)
We are Denying the real Self and real life (not acknowledging real life), Absolute Reality because it is painful, it feels like fear, it’s the part of you that resists certain things about yourself. We resist the pain like vampires in the sunlight. We get Angry BECAUSE it is painful! It is painful because maybe the Storybook is not .... real, after all? But no the Storybook is real because the Story World is still going on and I just know it, I just feel it, because look: Judge Pride says it's the law and all the other Judge Prides with their laws say so!
Pride is inside the mirror, it is the Ruler of the Mental World that causes all Confusion, the 2-dimensional world. It uses prejudice (extremely subtle to very obvious) for your eyes and ears to only see 2-dimensional, even if everything 'appears' 3-dimensional. YOU are on the other side just looking at a reflection (where there is nothing to fear). Drop all judgements and fears. We must walk through (not escape or runaway) our 'I' World (mirror world) which will awaken the third eye to literally 'see' the other side of the mirror -- you 'pop' to the other side of the mirror -- and witness in all its shining glory the 3-dimensional Absolute Reality which contains in its magnificence the mysterious language of Essence, it is 100% real. The Essence exists in all things and all things are CERTAIN -- It is the Real World, Absolute Reality.
Until then we will remain in the mirror,
- The Outside-In inversion of our selves, being controlled by the illusion of internal cause & effect, which is the separation and dissection: analyzing emotions, analyzing thoughts, analyzing thinking mind, analyzing stories, analyzing beliefs, analyzing others, analyzing your past, analyzing your world, and analyzing the world around you, each separately being WHO we are, the nervous system gets affected .... this is like trying to play every single instrument in an orchestra -- it is endless effort, causing disorder and chaos; We are internally creating our actual 'world' by letting emotions blanket over what IS, we create the world to our Self. Which just IS. We have to ADMIT that we do this to our Self by allowing the Self to be CONTROLLED by a story being WHO I am. I am telling my Self a story which is created by corresponding emotions with loss of control and then thoughts being WHO I am to support the emotion, and the thinking mind to tell me what my world is, the 'I' World. We are believing this to be the 'I' World which IS AN ILLUSION. We are putting our emotional story of our daily lives over what just IS. It is an ILLUSION! Let. Go. Of. Story. Being. WHO. I. am. We do this to our OWN Life. Stop telling the Story. We TELL IT TO OUR OWN SELF WHICH IS JUST LISTENING AND WATCHING STORY LIKE WE ARE SITTING ON A CHAIR WATCHING OUR OWN MOVIE/HOW THE STORY IS GOING TO GO BECAUSE WE UNKNOWINGLY ALLOW THE MOVIE TO PLAY BY ITSELF. Allowing the thinking mind to tell us (we are under its control) a story.
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Outside-in: expressions move inwards. Dissection of the Self into parts. Separated. We are controlled by the laws of our own Storybook. The strings are emotions that control us. |
- The Outside-In inversion of our selves, being controlled by the illusion of internal cause & effect, which is the separation and dissection: analyzing emotions, analyzing thoughts, analyzing thinking mind, analyzing stories, analyzing beliefs, analyzing others, analyzing your past, analyzing your world, and analyzing the world around you, each separately being WHO we are, the nervous system gets affected .... this is like trying to play every single instrument in an orchestra -- it is endless effort, causing disorder and chaos; We are internally creating our actual 'world' by letting emotions blanket over what IS, we create the world to our Self. Which just IS. We have to ADMIT that we do this to our Self by allowing the Self to be CONTROLLED by a story being WHO I am. I am telling my Self a story which is created by corresponding emotions with loss of control and then thoughts being WHO I am to support the emotion, and the thinking mind to tell me what my world is, the 'I' World. We are believing this to be the 'I' World which IS AN ILLUSION. We are putting our emotional story of our daily lives over what just IS. It is an ILLUSION! Let. Go. Of. Story. Being. WHO. I. am. We do this to our OWN Life. Stop telling the Story. We TELL IT TO OUR OWN SELF WHICH IS JUST LISTENING AND WATCHING STORY LIKE WE ARE SITTING ON A CHAIR WATCHING OUR OWN MOVIE/HOW THE STORY IS GOING TO GO BECAUSE WE UNKNOWINGLY ALLOW THE MOVIE TO PLAY BY ITSELF. Allowing the thinking mind to tell us (we are under its control) a story.
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Inside-Out: the expressions move outwards, to BEING. The Whole. the Ego is free from internal laws. Free from being emotionally controlled. |
- Instead of Inside-Out: Ego is WHO you are and emotions, no internal cause & effect and freedom to internally choose for the physical external cause, thoughts, thinking mind, story are under its expression ... although all are a part of the orchestra, none of the parts (each instrument) can tell you WHO you are as you are the Composer of the orchestra, the nervous system now functions normally. Everything now moves from Inside to emotions expressed OUTWARDS like shooting a rainbow (instead of inwards, putting a shadow over the rainbow) ---- it is effortless, 100% humility, you are in PEACE & HARMONY ----> The Whole. We are a human being, I just AM. We are in AdventureLand -- where EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE, it's an Adventure, we are interacting with the Adventure, the LAND of Open Adventure -- and NOT A '"Story' World", which is just narrating the mirror, narrating the rear-view mirror, WHAT YOU 'THINK' (using thinking mind as WHO I am) YOU SAW (in the ocean; past); and WHAT. YOU. 'THINK'. (using the thinking mind being WHO I am). YOU. WILL. SEE. (using the thinking mind to set a story; in the ocean; future). It. is. narrating. the. past. and. future. (through stories in the mirror). which. the. NOW.Therefore. you. are. inside. your. thinking mind Story. Which. is. NOT the same Reality as The NOW (out of the ocean). Outside of the thinking mind and onto The Open Physical Interaction Adventure, Absolute Reality! The Wonder Land! You are INSIDE your Story Ocean. We need to 'swim' using our physical awareness (3D) out of the ocean. Break out of the Rabbit Hole to see the surface where Light is, what has ALWAYS BEEN THERE, always available in The Right Here & Now.
Alice in Wonderland: the chase
And if you are finally tired of the Story World, tired of running, tired of being chased, well then ..... STOP RUNNING.
Simple. Turn around and face them all, your Storybook and the Story World. Stop taking all personally, to be WHO I am. Stop the Confusion. They are, after all, just stories.
Go to the mirror, look at the reflections, with no echo (pride/judgements/assumptions), so be mindful and do not 'think' it but listen to what you see, what is just there, with full physical presence using the physical, question the laws that allow you to be run by your own Story: all the emotional stories, beliefs, judgements, your past, how you want things to be, how you don't want things to be, all those strange, loving, and quirky characters in the mirror telling you WHO you are and HOW it's supposed to be, and you seeing them as HOW you want to see them and how they are supposed to be, everything that your world is like, with all the trumpets and all the violins and all of the cymbals crashing together ...
Stop pretending.
Let ALL the stories come together. Accept, take everything that you see knowing that it is all a reflection and can not be YOU, no more Blame and no more Guilt. So you Accept the Whole without identifying your self with any part of the reflections. Zero effort.
Accept all with humility, even the confession of the 'bad' Choices, with total acceptance and understanding. Understand that it is only .... who you thought you were; Understand that it is the world you thought you were in. The reflections can not tell you WHO you are, it can only show you what you are NOT. Understand it with empathy. It will APPEAR scary. BUT! When we understand it for what it is, we will no longer have a reaction to it, as Judge Pride is no longer there. We win our kingdom back, we are FREE.
What is happening is you are returning the separated parts back to the WHOLE, back to the real world -- just as it is painful when a mother and child separate during birth.
And, since there is no one to blame, there is no need for forgiveness. It is true freedom to just BE. It was all just in your thinking mind. There is peace, stillness, tranquility on the other side of the mirror, WHO YOU REALLY ARE, just looking at a reflection :). Here & Now. You have the Real Power and freedom to take control of the Adventure. All is GOOD.
Simple. Turn around and face them all, your Storybook and the Story World. Stop taking all personally, to be WHO I am. Stop the Confusion. They are, after all, just stories.
Stop pretending.
Let ALL the stories come together. Accept, take everything that you see knowing that it is all a reflection and can not be YOU, no more Blame and no more Guilt. So you Accept the Whole without identifying your self with any part of the reflections. Zero effort.
Accept all with humility, even the confession of the 'bad' Choices, with total acceptance and understanding. Understand that it is only .... who you thought you were; Understand that it is the world you thought you were in. The reflections can not tell you WHO you are, it can only show you what you are NOT. Understand it with empathy. It will APPEAR scary. BUT! When we understand it for what it is, we will no longer have a reaction to it, as Judge Pride is no longer there. We win our kingdom back, we are FREE.
What is happening is you are returning the separated parts back to the WHOLE, back to the real world -- just as it is painful when a mother and child separate during birth.
And, since there is no one to blame, there is no need for forgiveness. It is true freedom to just BE. It was all just in your thinking mind. There is peace, stillness, tranquility on the other side of the mirror, WHO YOU REALLY ARE, just looking at a reflection :). Here & Now. You have the Real Power and freedom to take control of the Adventure. All is GOOD.
Innocence has returned.
And then you live Happily Ever After .....
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