"We need to end looking at people as stories and begin looking at them as real human beings in real time without all the over-analysis and over-speculation. We must look without taking any thing away from them by judging. The language of truth is all there, in the silence of the here & now, where there is no space for judgement but the enjoyment of empathy. It starts when we truly love ourselves. And by love I mean allow our own Self to BE without our own self over-analyzing, over-speculating who we are. Without judging our own selves. Without looking at our self like a story but a real being. We must stop the war. We must stop being pulled by the 'story' of the world. We must stop. And look around. Look where we are. Remember who we are. Being real is of the most supreme quality every single person can have and that is because the real person has no war within them."
- Ayah Ajam