Life, the Universe, and Everything Else: Know your reality.

Life, the Universe, and Everything Else: Know your reality.
We are the most fascinating thing in the universe. It is us. The human being is designed perfectly.

This blog is not meant for those with an untrained eye and not for the insincere. It is also not self-righteous. It focuses on the actual practice, pushing aside conspiracies and history information that don't do anything for real progression and only serve as a distraction for those who are seeking real Truth: which is in the practice and can be attained now, we are not here to waste time. We are separating our Self and reality into parts which is like trying to play each instrument in an orchestra which does nothing but cause chaos. Your very mind is the gateway to real progression: as in you are not your thinking mind, which is governing ALL ASPECTS of your life. You must figure out what you truly are, your real nature -- not the illusory nature -- using sincere contemplation and the process of elimination, WHO you are NOT. Surprise, you do not need meditation which is exactly like riding on a donkey. There is no time for meditation. Get on the jet plane and the method is the Mirror, it is time to see the Self as a Whole unit and not divided into individual and separated parts. Use direct experience as a vehicle for your quest to understand and figure out Absolute Reality. Begin to explore your mind through Psychegnosis here:

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Building Your Foundation

(continuation from the post "The Illusion is Your Friend")

"If you think a foundation involves having money, involves having a lover, involves beauty or fame or whatever material ‘goal’ you have in mind? Then you are nothing. Any of those gets taken away from you, your foundation topples. Your castle is made out of glass, very fragile. Foundation can only be built within. Your castle is made out of diamonds. Everything else, the money, the beauty, the fame, the lover, etc are nothing but bonuses." 

- AllYouAreisHeaven

A question is a hole in our reality truth which we usually mistakenly answer using the thinking mind’s ignorant and hasty judgement, which will do nothing but cause you major confusion now and down the line -- we fill the hole with false information. Instead, we must patiently wait for the answer to reveal itself which will fill the hole with an accurate answer without thinking it. It is a downward energy. The questions that arises within us uses the upward energy (WONDER), and the accurate answers which reveals itself requires a downward energy (KNOWING, aka rooted). This creates a foundation. This requires no effort (only thinking causes effort). We tend to either put all our energy in the head: female energy/Mother Earth reaching for the Sun); Or around the bottom of the spine: male energy/Father Sun driving energy down/gravity; Both are needed to maximize life force, EQUILIBRIUM. Our real centers are located in the solar plexus and heart chakra, refer to following image.

Both diagrams explain the tetrahedron (aka merkaba) quality of the human energy system. The tetrahedron is sacred geometry, the basic geometry found everywhere in nature, including the human body. Upper pyramid (energy directed up): Wonder; Lower pyramid (energy directed down): Knowing, Rooted. This doctrine is found in Gnosticism, Masonry, and Judaism, and most possibly in others religions. Our Awareness extends in all outward directions of the body and not trapped in the skull or the confines of the mind. (Please ignore the 'female merkaba'  written on the first diagram and just look at the general idea of the image)

Questions cannot be answered using the same energy as the question, which is the upward energy. The answer can only be REVEALED using downward energy. There are infinite questions and therefore infinite answers, which means one thing: that you DO NOT NEED to have all the answers now! Every question about yourself (and also the real world) will be eventually answered. In your observances about the Self, every discovery leads to a question which leads to the discovery of an answer and so on, discover the hidden treasures within you, your Real Self is all there waiting for you to discover. So we must fill the holes in our reality WISELY, one by one, as each question presents itself (upward) in order for each answer to reveal itself (downward).

The more holes we fill with an ignorant answer (having to use the thinking mind, which is using effort), the more a part of your reality slides away to form pockets of illusions, which is why we become so confused. Our reality easily topples with the illusion of a foundation -- a confused foundation. This pockets of illusions turns into a system of emotional beliefs that now you have to constantly refer to (using the mind of course) and have become accustomed to live by. This causes tunnel-vision in which you can’t perceive anything outside of the emotional beliefs, giving you the illusion that you have no choice but to be controlled by your system of emotional beliefs. You are controlled by the mind because you have given it the responsibility of answering all your questions about yourself (and about the real world) and will search for anything which affirms it, according to its logic. This is the Grand Illusion.

The balance of the upward reaching out towards the heavens and downward energies, rooting firmly into the ground, Earth. You need both energies, simultaneously (you will experience balanced breathing: inhale upwards; exhale downwards). So we fill the holes with real information instead of the Illusion's information. You can eventually fill all the question holes with the accurate answers/information about the Real Self. You most likely need to discard a belief that is blocking you from discovering the answer, which is hidden behind the false belief(s). We have to fill the holes we have about our selves and replace it with the real information. When all Self-doubt and any weaknesses in your beliefs have been removed and is replaced with KNOWING about the Real Self, we become WHOLE, ALL-KNOWING. 

PEACE fills the body, then STRENGTH fills the body, then DRIVE fills the body, then REAL POWER is acquired. Thus you have built an immovable foundation of your Being, your diamond castle.

"Know that the body is a fragile jar,

And make a castle out of your mind.

In every trial

Let understanding fight for you

To defend what you have won."

- The Dhammapada, The Sayings of the Buddha

Monday, December 29, 2014


Mind wants the Answer. This is why we should not set enlightenment as the Goal, which is the mistake of many. There is no Answer, nor Goal. There are only questions which leads to answers which leads to more questions which leads to more answers, and the joy is wondering the question with the joy of discovering the answer ... Because wisdom is infinite, it has no end.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Illusion is Your Friend

The Illusion is your self-defense system that protects your definition of who you 'think' you are and your 'Story' (the story of your past, the story of your future, your fears, frustration, desires). There is a battle within you that is ongoing: It is the battle of the Real Self vs the Illusion (some falsely call this the 'ego', when it's actually the ego's illusion). We must come to the understanding that the Illusion just wants to protect our 'Story", that it just wants us to be happy according to its definition of happiness. Let's break this down further. When we are angry, we are at our happiest choosing to be angry. When we are jealous of others, we are at our happiest choosing to be jealous. When we are afraid, we are at our happiest being afraid. This is why there thoughts and emotions are neither 'good for the I' nor 'bad for the I'. How are all thoughts and emotions neither 'bad for the I' nor 'good for the I'? Take a situation where someone offends you: you could judge an angry emotion as good and then a happy emotion as bad in that situation. The belief in what's a 'good for the I' thought/emotion and 'bad for the I' thought/emotion become blurred, to reveal that there is only GOOD. This is the reality that we must come to terms with: we are at our happiest choosing thoughts and emotions and beliefs at any particular moment. 

Now again the Illusion just wants us to be happy. So does the Real Self, which is a given. This is where we unite the real Self with the Illusion. That is the bridge for friendship.

The Illusion has its own definition of happiness. So we are happy being angry, we are happy being depressed, we are happy self-sabotaging our selves, etc. So if the Illusion has its own definition of what makes you happy, then it should NOT BE TREATED AS AN ENEMY, therefore you should not fear it. 'See' this truth. 

Peace can be found when the 2 -- the Illusion and the Real Self -- are reconciled towards the same goal, which is Happiness. Herein is where Choice comes in, in which you have full control over choosing an emotion, thought, and belief at any particular moment, knowing that all of them is NOT WHO YOU ARE but simply just an emotion, just a thought, and just a belief. Your 'Story' is also not who you are but just a story. If I am not my arm, I am not my leg, I am not my heart, then I also am not my thinking mind, nor my thoughts, nor emotions, nor beliefs, nor story. You choose the thought, you choose the emotion, and you choose the belief (and NOT that the thought tells who you are and what to think, not the emotion tells you how you feel and therefore who you are, not the belief forces you what to believe and therefore is who you are -- you are handcuffed to the Illusion). Who you are is right here and right now, the Being. When we believe we are the Illusion, we are controlled by the Illusion -- and the illusion that we have no choice. We have no control when we have no choice: now I AM angry, I AM depressed, I AM what my thoughts are telling me, I AM always something else at any particular moment. How can you be identified as any of those when you are a Being. We are no longer controlled when we can clearly see that we are a Being and actually have a Choice, and therefore control, and therefore peacefully choosing a thought or an emotion (be it happy or angry, emotions are not bad but only bad when we connect them and believe it is who we are; emotions are just emotions) or peacefully knowing. We have infinite choices to choose from, which is different from the Illusion which has infinite ways to make you believe in your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs it projects to you. Choice gives us consequences. We can choose the Illusion or choose the Real Self/Truth.

Because we are happy making choices -- however your definition of happiness may be -- this means we can be happy 100% of the time.

What is your choice?

Neo: Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life.
In The Matrix Neo has a choice between the Red Pill (the Real Self/Reality) or the Blue Pill (the Matrix/the Illusion of the Self)

Monday, December 1, 2014

Begin to Explore Your Thinking Mind

The thinking mind is limited in its capabilities because it takes information from your 5 senses but then turns it into a 2D image inside your mind. The more you rely on the thinking mind for answers, the more 2D everything becomes and then you are literally in a dream state. A dream is not alive! This is the World of the Mental Plane. Awakening means to see the world in its actual form in 3D + Intuition, it is where true life essence of ALL phenomena that cannot be felt or known in a 2D world. It is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STATE then what you are accustomed to! This is the World of the Awakened. Wake up from the dream.

Begin to explore how your mind works following this in order. Continue to explore this blog and

1. The Ego, The Soul, and The Illusion

Slow Down pt 1

3. The Puppeteer and Your Mind pt. 1

4. Duality & Desire: How to Begin to Be Free of Your Mind pt. 2

5. Your 'Story'

6. There is no 'good' or 'bad' only GOOD

7. Judge the Judgement

8. The Illusion is your Friend

9. The Real Definition of Ego

10. Choose Reality

11. Eradicate Beliefs Including Subtle Beliefs

To familiarize you with terms frequently used on this blog:

No apology needs to be made when it is about truth, even if everyone is misplacing, misidentifying things, and labels and stigmas and so forth, that will not change how a truth should be explained. For a truth is one, perfect, it is what it is. Truth shall be explained as it is – after all it is only fair for you and for me that we see it exactly how it is. We are in the 21st century where we have access to information technology to help us explain the truth in ways that fit in today's evolved language and level of understanding. Let us begin with the basics of the blueprint:

Innocence  it is the self as a WHOLE. State of total union of the self and reality as we move along linearly with all things in Life. It is true freedom because it takes zero effort due to harmonized connection.This is a state you can observe in little children. It is the state we were before the split of the mind. 

Confusion a state we are in as a result of the split of the thinking mind from the Ego which causes the illusion of separation with the self and the world around us. We divide the Self into parts and begin to judge the parts as either 'good' or 'bad'. Our innocence is sensitive and breaks because of shock of the phenomena of fear/trauma. We begin to control our parts (which never needed fixing). From believing thinking mind is 'WHO I am', to a thought is 'WHO I am', to an emotion is 'WHO I am', to the Story is 'WHO I am', to the body is 'WHO I am'. Decision-makings are done according to each of the separate parts as we attempt to fix and analyse each. By cause and effect this is then expressed to the world in which we continue to separate even further instead of seeing it as a Whole. We are now using lots of effort to control our Story. Confusion becomes much more apparent as we become teenagers and will continue to be with us until we conquer the illusion of our selves. It is like trying to play every instrument in an orchestra, it just ends up in chaos! The orchestra plays as a Whole. We have the illusion of restricted choice, false freedom. This is Confusion. 

World of the Mental Plane / World of the Story Book Plane / World of 'Good for the I' & 'Bad for the I' is the World of There which is a state all us brainwashed people are in as long as they believe and identify themselves with the thinking mind and Story, which includes thoughts and emotions and information and body. We believe there is a 'good' and a 'bad'. There is confusion as each part is separated as we forget about the Whole. All afflictions reside here. This is a dream world, illusory world. It is the tragic cause for all the chaos and destruction we see today.

World of the Awakened The World of GOOD is the World of the Here & Now and is a completely different state than the World of the Mental Plane. People in this state are not identified with the thinking mind nor refer to their Story anymore. All becomes crystal clear as there is no Confusion. This is a completely different state not known to the 'World of the Story Book Plane'. But it is here and can be remembered. All separated parts belong to the WHOLE. The thinking mind now works in harmony via the Ego instead of separating the thinking mind, thoughts, emotions, story, nervous system. We experience peace and therefore happiness as the Ego has the real control (not emotions). Innocence has been returned. This is the real world.

Real definition of the following is NOT how the mainstream world defines it, there is a DIFFERENCE (misconstrued!) so it must be clarified to not cause any confusion:

Soul is the life energy that animates all things such as plants, animals, humans. It is seen in the physical world and therefore subject to cause & effect. 
(vs The world defines Soul as what animates our body + who we are)

Ego is the same meaning as Real Self/True SelfThe World thinks the word ego is Pride, Pride is only part of the Story. Ego has nothing to do with Pride nor the Story. The world thinks the Soul is who we are and ego is the pride. There is a war on words that is going on, be cautious!
There are 4 parts to us, not 2: 
- The world thinks there are only 2 parts: 1. Soul: animates body + who we are; 2. Ego: Pride/illusion.
 - In Absolute Reality there are 4 parts to us: 1. Soul: animates the body;(plants, animals, humans) 2. Ego: character, our self-awareness; (humans) 3. The thinking mind which just thinks; 4. Story (the thinking mind's illusion of who you 'think' you are: Illusion/Pride). 
The soul only animates the body (like plants and animals) and who you are is the Ego (character sets us apart from animals, which has different laws then plants and animals), which can't be the soul since the soul is part of the physical world, it is the aura that can be detected by science. You may have heard of 'prana' in Sanskrit or 'chi' in Chinese. Soul means life force! If it can be detected that means it can be seen.  The Ego is UNSEEN, and therefore not subject to cause & effect since it is not physical: human self-awareness + character. You can't see those as they are not physical. It does not age, that's why the voice in our mind feels like it does not age. It is only the physical body that does. Self-awareness is what sets us apart from plants and animals. It also comes with 'colors' which is the uniqueness of our individual character. Ego is who we are, ego asks the questions, and makes the decisions. Human beings are not homogeneous, otherwise we would be robots. This is why we do not look like each or have the same character. Because we tend to 'think' we are supposed to be homogeneous is why we will always fail and remain confused. This is because we can not change our core character as that is who we are. Because we attack this by thinking it is the enemy, is the reason for all destruction and afflictions we see abnormally happening in such an astounding universe today. We are a wonder as we each have a unique character, it is the color of the self-awareness. it's what makes us create, it's what gives us humor, it's what gives us drive. No one and no thing can tell you WHO you are, as they can not add or juxtapose things onto your core (real) identity, this includes your thinking mind. If you were shot into outer space, where no one and no thing can no longer tell you WHO you are, all of those things will mean NO THING! The 'clothes' do not make the man. They can only serve to show you WHO you are NOT. This is neither 'bad' nor 'good', it is what gives you the freedom to know YOU. You are here to explore your spark and to express this spark through exploration of the Ego. We are the most beautiful garden with so many beautiful and unique flowers sharing the same garden. You can see this spark in little children, every child has a unique spark. It cannot be changed because that IS who you are. If you try to change this INNOCENT character (please read meaning of innocence on this page) by defiling your self, all afflictions arise and we experience guilt, suicide, jealousy, anger, offense, pride, self-doubt, depression, .... all afflictions. <------ Confusion. You will be surprised with this definition of ego because you are accustomed to hearing the world's definition of it. This post will explain it in more detail so that it becomes very clear for you: The Ego, the Soul, and the Illusion (vs The world defines ego as the Illusion)

The following can NOT tell you WHO you are as in they can not be added juxtaposed onto your Ego, please read the following before proceeding:

We are doings things the other way around:
- We are doing things Inside Out inversion of our selves, which is the separation and dissection: analyzing emotions, analyzing thoughts, analyzing thinking mind, analyzing stories, analyzing beliefs, analyzing others, analyzing your past, analyzing your world, and analyzing the world around you, each separately being WHO we are, the nervous system gets affected .... this is like trying to play every single instrument in an orchestra -- it is endless effort, causing disorder and chaos; 
- Instead of Outside In: Ego is WHO you are and emotions, thoughts, thinking mind, story are under its expression ... although all are a part of the orchestra, none of the parts (each instrument) can tell you WHO you are as you are the Composer of the orchestra, 
the nervous system now functions normally
 ----  it is effortless, you are in PEACE & HARMONY -----> the Whole.

Story is just a story. It is neither 'good' nor 'bad' as it is just a story, it is therefore GOOD. The Story is what you tell your self based on your past, beliefs, and who you 'think you are. because we have been conditioned to believe there are parts that are 'good for the i' and 'bad for the I'.  It is the Grand Illusion which figureheads are Blame and Guilt due to coping with our identity which we replace with Pride (instead of the true self, since we are unable to 'locate' it). In this story, Pride is the judge and the verdict is our emotional reactions. This happens in our entire life, it is perpetual. We constantly do this internally and expressed outwards to the world. It ranges from extremely subtle to extremely obvious. We begin to blame and deny ourselves which led to us having to lie, which is neither a 'good' nor a 'bad'. It is just a self-preservation lie that protects us in order to keep us happy -- no one is to blame since we have no choice due to self-preservation. This lie then has to create a Story of our Selves -- which acts as a self-defense system that guards our own Story --  in which we now have to keep up with. The believing in 'good for the I' and ‘bad for the I’ will cause a Reflection to arise that will always be searching for the good and bad within you and now needs to keep up with the Story. The Story eventually will have control over you as you begin to believe you are your Story in which you make choices according to it and now you are automatically looking for what will either enhance it or deflate it, to keep the Story alive. We become unaware to true freedom of choice as we go along in Life, instead we 'think' we have restricted or no choice because of confusion, because we don't question the Story. We begin to protect and self-defend the Story to our own selves. Through cause & effect, we  protect and self-defend our story from others. We protect the Story, not the person behind it. There are Reflections of the Story that will look to judge which is ‘good’ which will be looking at anything to enhance our story (our definitions are all different; again every person has a unique way to define what is ‘good’ for themselves). it will look to reject or resist anything that goes against our Story, our happiness. The Reflection of the Story is looking at you/judging you and the Reflection of the Story will look at others/judge others which will Cause the illusion of Separation. Separation gives rise to confusion of what’s real and who you really are. We fall in a dream-like state the stronger our connection to our Story is. The Story controls us. You can see this begin to happen in children, after conditioning of 'good' -- which encourages praise -- and 'bad' -- which encourages punishment -- begins to set in. They will start to lie in order to receive praise and avoid punishment. Fear makes it difficult for people to let go of their Story controlling them. Fear is because of confusion that your story might be right, due to emotional control. If the Story is asking the questioning instead of the Ego, the Story will give you a hollow answer and you will stay confused. Ego absorbs the solid answer. Because the Story runs us, we do all types of things to try and control it. (vs The world defines Story as Ego) 

Illusion and Reflection and Inner Child are the same meanings. Illusion/Reflection/Inner Child is the self-defense system of your Story. This can internally assist you in pinpointing who/what controls decision making your Ego vs the Story.

Thinking Mind is designed perfectly and just designed to think. It is neither 'good' nor 'bad' it just thinks so it is GOOD. It is physical It is not designed to tell us WHO we are. It works in harmony with the Ego (nonphysical) as long as the Ego is the one that is driving the car (the physical body).

Thoughts are just thoughts, they function normally, they are neither 'good' nor 'bad', but GOOD. It is when we take them to be WHO we are that causes chaos. For example would you take a thought 2 + 2 = 4 to be WHO you are? Of course not. They will then turn on us, we are being chased by thoughts.

Emotions are the piano keys of the body, they function normally, they are neither 'good' nor 'bad' they are just emotions which is GOOD. It is when we take emotions to be WHO we are that causes chaos and loss of control over emotions, it is the cause of destruction in all human history if we continue to take them to be WHO we are. They will then turn on us, we are being chased by emotions.

Nervous System is affected if you divide your self into parts as each being WHO you are which consequently affects the natural function of the nervous system causing damage to the harmony and peacefulness of the body. Those who are familiar with chakras, chakras are part of the nervous system.

Body everything in the body is designed perfectly and functions the way it is designed to without us trying to control it. All we do is nourish the body and give it rest.