A person needs to clearly identify what the illusion is in order to begin the transformation. About 95% of our daily lives is spent in the illusion (some more, some less). The illusion must be clearly identified for what it is, which is just our mind entering or intercepting the here & now space.
When the illusion has finally been indentified for what it is, which are just pictures, meanings, judgements, and feelings in the mind juxtaposed in the here & now (Reality), can we be able to be present and smile away EACH ILLUSION one by one as the mind tries to intercept the Reality space out of habit (there are infinite ways to intercept). Smile, because the illusion is not so elaborate as it seems but simple and harmless since they are only pictures and feelings which only exists within the confines of our minds. That way, with vigilance on what the mind tries to juxtapose, can we remain present, as one, and in peace, because life moves LINEARLY. Do not fight it (ever!) but smile, because that was only what you were accustomed to.
True healings begin only NOW. Because the illusion, these reflections, fall down one by one as we begin the training and practice to break out of the thinking habit. So these reflections fall down one by one with your steadfast attention and vigilance, before they can attempt to influence and change your state of being. Anything that involves the reflection is an image in your mind and therefore is 2D so because you rely on the reflection so much your life is actually all 2D.
Most of the mental reflections which is are based on past incidents, past traumas, or any past influences. We are in the illusion so much we have come to falsely believe that life IS the illusion because of the buildup of the habit. We forget that life is real and in 3D and has an Essence, which can only exist right now (Reality). When we can finally identify that these illusions are but mere reflections of the mind juxtaposed onto Reality, we stop choosing the reflection and choose Reality instead. The more we choose Reality the more we can realize or come to true wisdom and understanding that we don't need to see the world from our minds anymore but from our real Being, which is our heart and solar plexus. This is why Jesus points to his heart. This is NOT A SYMBOL. This is a real way of living. The world is seen from the actual heart chakra, our Being (first sign of life during pregnancy is the heart beat!). We gravitate our center and presence from the mind down to the heart chakra and solar plexus chakra, our real center.