Life, the Universe, and Everything Else: Know your reality.

Life, the Universe, and Everything Else: Know your reality.
We are the most fascinating thing in the universe. It is us. The human being is designed perfectly.

This blog is not meant for those with an untrained eye and not for the insincere. It is also not self-righteous. It focuses on the actual practice, pushing aside conspiracies and history information that don't do anything for real progression and only serve as a distraction for those who are seeking real Truth: which is in the practice and can be attained now, we are not here to waste time. We are separating our Self and reality into parts which is like trying to play each instrument in an orchestra which does nothing but cause chaos. Your very mind is the gateway to real progression: as in you are not your thinking mind, which is governing ALL ASPECTS of your life. You must figure out what you truly are, your real nature -- not the illusory nature -- using sincere contemplation and the process of elimination, WHO you are NOT. Surprise, you do not need meditation which is exactly like riding on a donkey. There is no time for meditation. Get on the jet plane and the method is the Mirror, it is time to see the Self as a Whole unit and not divided into individual and separated parts. Use direct experience as a vehicle for your quest to understand and figure out Absolute Reality. Begin to explore your mind through Psychegnosis here:

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Slow Down (Part 2)

(Please read the first part, Slow Down part 1)

The mind is ignorant and turns your reality into how you believe it to be. But this is an illusion because that is not reality. Therefore you have to cut the head off, cut the strings of the mind (we are the puppeteer we gave almost all control over to thinking mind that makes all judgement and decisions and behavior). Live without the mind and you are in reality. You have to exercise control of your mind by not listening to it. But to put it better, you have to let thoughts and emotions almost float away. The more dominance you have the quicker the thought slows down from growing until you can get to a point where you can catch it at its root. It's tough because you believe what your mind is telling you and so it has control over your thoughts and therefore actions, you are its puppet. It dominates you. So how do u train your mind? 

We fall in traps of seeing things as real when it is only based on the mind's ignorance. Which means all your feelings and emotions and actions are based on the illusion that is created by the mind and you are actually falling for it. Which means that the main thing the ego-mind does is distract you. For example I say that I want to quit smoking. Why do I want to quit? Because I want to quit. But I can't because my MIND wont let me. I am a slave of my mind. It controls what I do. My mind is telling me that a cigarette will not hurt me when in fact smoke and all kinds of chemicals poisons the body with each inhalation. The ego-mind is the only thing the cigarette pleases. Or another example I want to read a book. But I can't because my mind is distracting me, it is procrastinating and making me lazy. 

Normal people are used to having their mind being the pilot and let it perform automatically by itself. This is a huge mistake and this is exactly why you are literally asleep, your consciousness is asleepYou help to weaken the grip of your mind by putting your foot down and letting your mind know who's the boss. You are in control. Defeat the mind that is holding you from being what you can be potentially. Remember this is a long and patient process and requires baby steps.

The key secret of life is that your mind -- the holder of dual tension (some of you may know this as the black and white checkerboard in freemasonry. Also shown in the Portrait of Heath Ledger.) -- is an illusion AND so are your .... inferior, afflictive emotions. Your afflictive emotions are very dangerous. They have more complicated and faster control over you. The secret to life is to not believe either of them. However, you must always be mindful that your mind switches to auto-pilot by itself all the time and at any moment without you even noticing the slightest bit, it is incredibly tricky. 

Your emotions move 60,000 times faster then your intellect. Therefore most of your afflictive thoughts are actually coming from ... your emotions. They are emotional thoughts. Not intellect. Observe this in yourself. 

But since your emotional thoughts moves at incredibly high speeds you have to train yourself to be able to catch it. This takes constant effort from your part. As a foundation to begin this process you need to be able to first be alert as much as you can. You need to be alert because the mind will trick you back in hypnosis without any hint of your awareness. Being alert means asserting your focus on the here and now. When you do eventually notice yourself back in the trance of the mind, return to being watchful. This is a process that has to be repeated again and again because you need to be awake in order to catch emotional thoughts either after they arise or when they are arising or right before it arises (suggested post: Atisha on How to Deal With Anger). There will be successes. And there will be many failures. But by holding the weapon of determination, dust yourself off and keep persevering.

"If you do not watch your mind, then pride, lust, envy, anxiety will take over." -

In part 1, I have compared being mindful to physical exercise. If you don't keep exercise consistent, you will lose muscle. The same can be said for dominating your mind if you are not consistently watching it. 

To learn how to conquer your afflictions please read this excellent lesson:

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Heaven in Thought:

"We are living and depending on our Thinking Mind to give us our reality.

This is the way to pain and confusion.
It leads to incredible depths of disillusionment, as well bad Health and emotional turmoil.
Our belief in what is an “illusion, is disrupting our nervous systems so much, it is the leading cause of disease and early death.
We strongly advise ALL people of the danger of connecting “who we are”, to our thoughts.
This is REALITY." 

Link here: Must-read book: The Law of Psychegnosis

Documentary: Ancient Knowledge Pt. 6/1

If there are 2 documentaries that you should be watching this year they should be Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds (click here) and the Ancient Knowledge documentary series. Part 6 has recently been uploaded by its creator. You can start with Part 1 here.

Ancient Knowledge Pt. 6/1 - Number 9 Code, Vortex Based Math, Flower of Life, Fibonacci, Time, 432 Hz

In the News: New Cassini Pictures and Other Stunning Views of Earth

Tiny Blue Dot

Image courtesy SSI/Caltech/NASA

On July 19, NASA's robotic probe turned its gaze toward Saturn's majestic rings and a tiny pale-blue dot—a planet called Earth nearly 900 million miles (1.5 billion kilometers) away.

The Cassini orbiter snapped this historic image of its distant home world while on the far side of the giant ringed planet. (See more pictures of Earth from space.)

No surface features are visible since Earth takes up only a scant few pixels—however, its unique blue tinge caused by sunlight reflecting off our planet's oceans clearly shines through.

Click through for more unforgettable pictures of our planet from space. [New Cassini Pictures and Other Stunning Views of Earth]

—Andrew Fazekas

Published July 23, 2013


New Cassini Pictures and Other Stunning Views of Earth

Monday, July 22, 2013

Slow Down (Part 1)

In the human body the motor center (i.e. driving a car) is 30,000 times faster than the intellect; the emotional center is 60,000 times faster than the intellect; the instinctive center is 90,000 times faster than the intellect; and the sexual center is 120,000 faster than the intellect.*

The thinking mind is always running you ahead of real time.

The mind is everywhere but now: the mind does not exist in the now. It wants to be in the past or the future. When you are patient and calm and surrendered into the now, you gain the ability to observe what arises and its judgement and declare what is true or what is false about the judgement. When you are in the mind, it is impossible to observe what arises because the mind does nothing but interfere with clarity. 

Everything is fast these days. Everything we do comes faster because of technology and the result is we demand things to satisfy us even faster. From switching channels to microwaves to communication to fast food to apps and so on. We are always kept busy looking for the next action. We lose patience because we now live in the fast lane. We need to slow down more than ever. We are too much in the mind. This is a mistaken belief. We have misidentified the responsibility of the mind, we now rely everything on it, we are even convinced that we are it! We must get back into the body and the breathing space and in real time.

When you believe you are your thinking mind and then it runs the show, your nervous system is affected. You will also need to calm down the body by allowing each part to function the way it was made to function.  

The Practice: Take advantage of your environment and follow it. For example get on the same 'time' as a floating cloud. Get on the same 'time' as a flower or tree. Find anything around you that you can ride on. You may also need to remember to do this. To train myself I would write on my wrist key words such as 'wake up' or 'alert' as a reminder whenever you succumb to the hypnosis of the mind which can constantly happen at any moment. You can use tools similar to these to help you remember. Another technique I use is to feel my breathing. Because our thinking mind runs everything you will notice that you oftentimes forget you are breathing and that is because the nervous system gets affected when the thinking mind is doing all the work. The same goes for your sight, don't THINK what you see, allow light to come to you instead. Don't THINK what you hear, allow sound to come to you instead. Notice what other parts of your body you are not allowing it to function naturally. Just think of the feeling of slowing down ... and breathe. Another great practice for slowing down to be here and now is T'ai Chi, learn it for free here.

*: According to

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Heaven in Music: Om Shreem Heem

By Indiajivas. "A mantra to remove obstacles and help guide us on the path to Enlightenment."

Mantra: Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Glaum Gam Ganapatye Vara Varada Sarvajanam Me Vashamaha Swaaha

Om Shreem Heem

Heaven in Thought: Joseph Campbell

"We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us."

- Joseph Campbell

Heaven in Thought: Joseph Campbell

"I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive." 

- Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Documentary: Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds

A special note from my friend Marya who shared this documentary:
"If you are tagged/receiving this note it is because you are on a journey of spiritual awakening. We have had many discussions along the way and have recognized one another as fellow beings going through the process of awakening. A few days ago I found an incredible documentary about it that I urge all of you to watch. For me, this video is a precious gift from the universe. Since watching it, a lot of questions that I've had were answered and I am gaining an even deeper clarity and understanding. This is the time for us to connect to one another and help one another on our journey. This is why I felt compelled to share this information with all of you. I hope it not only validates your path but that it also illuminates it for the journey ahead.

Love to ALL,

Part 1: * search Akashic records, Higgs Boson, Cymatic on this blog, I also suggest this post We Must Go Through The Healing Process, and interestingly the geometric pattern at 7:08 is a crop circle in part 2 at 48:16

Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds  - Part 1 - Akasha

Part 2: (already posted before here The Sacred Spiral and Lateral Consciousness) *search Spiral, Golden RatioFibonacci Sequence, on this blog and these are further discussed in David Wilcock's Science of a Golden Age. Also search Chakras, Kundalini, T'ai Chi, and many posts on the Ego and the Mind. Further information: Inside the Largest Simulation of the Universe Ever Created, What Reality Looks Like, The Importance of the Solar Plexus Chakra, The Authentic Life Flow

Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 2 - The Spiral

Part 3: * search Attachments, and again the Ego and the Mind, the DaimokuDMT, Ayahuasca, on this blog. And again in David Wilcock's Science of a Golden Age. Sexual Energy will be discussed soon.

Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 3 - The Serpent and the Lotus

Part 4: * search Illusion, Ego, Mind, Satan, Thoughts, Surrender, Attachments on this blog. These have been discussed many, many times. 

Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 4 - Beyond Thinking