Life, the Universe, and Everything Else: Know your reality.
Life, the Universe, and Everything Else: Know your reality.
We are the most fascinating thing in the universe. It is us. The human being is designed perfectly.
This blog is not meant for those with an untrained eye and not for the insincere. It is also not self-righteous. It focuses on the actual practice, pushing aside conspiracies and history information that don't do anything for real progression and only serve as a distraction for those who are seeking real Truth: which is in the practice and can be attained now, we are not here to waste time. We are separating our Self and reality into parts which is like trying to play each instrument in an orchestra which does nothing but cause chaos. Your very mind is the gateway to real progression: as in you are not your thinking mind, which is governing ALL ASPECTS of your life. You must figure out what you truly are, your real nature -- not the illusory nature -- using sincere contemplation and the process of elimination, WHO you are NOT. Surprise, you do not need meditation which is exactly like riding on a donkey. There is no time for meditation. Get on the jet plane and the method is the Mirror, it is time to see the Self as a Whole unit and not divided into individual and separated parts. Use direct experience as a vehicle for your quest to understand and figure out Absolute Reality. Begin to explore your mind through Psychegnosis here:
Monday, December 16, 2013
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Heaven in Thought: Alan Watts
"Instead of looking and listening, light and sound come to you on their own. Eyes see and ears hear as wind blows and water flows."- Alan Watts
Heaven in Thought: Dalai Lama
"When we see objects existing in and of themselves, rather then being dependent on many circumstances, as they truly are, exaggeration sets in: If the object seems favorable, we become attached to it, thinking, 'This is really wonderful.' Once desire increases, anger will arise against whoever or whatever might interfere with our enjoyment. The problem is that both lust and hatred are based on bias, which makes true compassion impossible."- Dalai Lama, How to Be Compassionate, p. 35
Everything, including yourself, is dependent on many circumstances. You do not exist in and of yourself. You are the result of many factors and circumstances surrounding you. This must be acknowledged so that you can be aware of personal bias which is a twisted perspective and not the actual reality. "It is as it is." - The Law of Psychegnosis
RECHARGE Your Awareness:
How can you be your past and how can you be your future when you are right HERE?
Everything is right here, right now with you. This is very simple but the mind complicates it: as in all your brain information and your physical body and your DNA and your emotions (inherited from our ancestors including what we add on top of that, therefore we are not at fault for what we inherit and also what we add to it but we are responsible, as in, we must respond) and the puppeteer along with your emotional seeds (seed afflictions are described in the 3-part series on the Puppeteer). This statement cannot be truly understood by using the mind, one must be truly present to understand the actual meaning. 'It is as it is'; and in that is the meaning. But most times we (the puppeteer) mistakenly attach the meaning to our experiences and this creates an illusion due to our twisted perspective and not actual reality, trapping us inside the mind/puppeteer. If, for example, a memory comes up, the ego mistakenly attaches its own meaning to that memory which you then believe to be true but it is not the actual meaning because it is bias. Our intuition and conscience is the only faculties that should absorb the meaning in what 'is' AS something happens. Therefore our intuition and conscience are the only real guide and guard. But this can only happen right HERE. The ego/puppeteer/mind is full of urges that try to have you think and act too quickly and that is why we need to strengthen Patience. We need Patience at all times in order to 'read' and 'hear' and 'see' the signs of our Intuition and Conscience. So before one can utilize and strengthen personal intuition and conscience, one must first acquire Patience. The puppeteer is at all times impatient and talking alot. We need to learn how to be human and stop the addiction to thinking to reach a kind of stillness, because thinking takes us everywhere but right here, therefore we need to Slow Down.
"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts.With our thoughts we make the world." - Dhammapada (The sayings of the Buddha)
"Change your thoughts and you change the world."
- Norman Vincent Peale
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Video: Security Camera Catches Spider Making Web
Amazing. Here we go with the idea of the Spiral again, very important in sacred geometry.
security camera catches spider making web
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Heaven in Thought: Aitken Roshi
"Renunciation is not getting rid of the world, but accepting that they pass away."- Aitken Roshi
Friday, October 25, 2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013
RECHARGE Your Awareness:
Are we afraid of our emotions?
What are we really afraid of: Is everything that we do and all our fears boils down to the fact that we are afraid of our emotions? Something for you to ponder on ....
Monday, October 21, 2013
Making Peace With the Mind pt 3 of 3
Part 1: Your Personality and Understanding the Puppeteer
Part 2: Duality & Desire: How to Begin to Be Free of the Puppeteer
If you truly investigated yourself for a long time, you will certainly come to the point of realization that you have no control over your emotions and your behavior. You have absolutely no control. For example, your anger will strike at any time before you can even realize this in order to halt yourself from acting. Because we have absolutely no control, this means that we have created a kind of monster within us. This monster is INSANE. In the book & film Life of Pi (which I wrote about here), the father tells Pi that Richard Parker (the tiger) is not our friend. This is wrong, this is making the thinking mind to be an enemy. It is not because we gave control over to it. We still have control at the end of the day, you just need to discover it and may take a lot of time, but it's ok. Pi goes through a series of lessons and tests with his alter-ego but eventually they come to realize that they need each other to survive, Pi is no longer afraid of the tiger (his mind). You need the mind to take you out of the mind. When the tiger's purpose has dwindled -- when the illusion is unraveled and reality sets in -- it simply disappears. Therefore you have a part of you that belongs to you that is absolutely insane and is always fighting with you but you just need to understand it for what it is, because you handed all or most of your responsibilities to it. When we understand our mind, we will eventually figure out that it is an elaborate illusion but the simple reality sets in without any kind of expected dramatic entrance (or dramatic goodbye of the tiger Richard Parker, which is why Pi was sad when this happens). Do not underestimate this monster within you. It is huge. It is as ferocious as a tiger. Follow the practice I am suggesting to you. There are other ways to do it, other philosophical schools, etc but I did this on my own and I am sharing my practice with you because it certainly helped me. Again, if you are constantly observing yourself or investigating how you 'work', you will not only realize that you have no control but you will also realize how huge the monster is.
Part 2: Duality & Desire: How to Begin to Be Free of the Puppeteer
If you truly investigated yourself for a long time, you will certainly come to the point of realization that you have no control over your emotions and your behavior. You have absolutely no control. For example, your anger will strike at any time before you can even realize this in order to halt yourself from acting. Because we have absolutely no control, this means that we have created a kind of monster within us. This monster is INSANE. In the book & film Life of Pi (which I wrote about here), the father tells Pi that Richard Parker (the tiger) is not our friend. This is wrong, this is making the thinking mind to be an enemy. It is not because we gave control over to it. We still have control at the end of the day, you just need to discover it and may take a lot of time, but it's ok. Pi goes through a series of lessons and tests with his alter-ego but eventually they come to realize that they need each other to survive, Pi is no longer afraid of the tiger (his mind). You need the mind to take you out of the mind. When the tiger's purpose has dwindled -- when the illusion is unraveled and reality sets in -- it simply disappears. Therefore you have a part of you that belongs to you that is absolutely insane and is always fighting with you but you just need to understand it for what it is, because you handed all or most of your responsibilities to it. When we understand our mind, we will eventually figure out that it is an elaborate illusion but the simple reality sets in without any kind of expected dramatic entrance (or dramatic goodbye of the tiger Richard Parker, which is why Pi was sad when this happens). Do not underestimate this monster within you. It is huge. It is as ferocious as a tiger. Follow the practice I am suggesting to you. There are other ways to do it, other philosophical schools, etc but I did this on my own and I am sharing my practice with you because it certainly helped me. Again, if you are constantly observing yourself or investigating how you 'work', you will not only realize that you have no control but you will also realize how huge the monster is.
DO NOT MAKE IT YOUR ENEMY This is what causes suicides and depressions and schizophrenia and wars and murders and so on. This is WRONG.
In fact we need only to be doing one simple thing here: that is to ACCEPT what is happening for now and use the Russian doll metaphor explained here. We need to totally accept that a part of us is absolutely insane without trying to fix it because it only wants us to be happy please read The Illusion is your Friend. When we have made total acceptance, this part of us no longer is our enemy that we fear. We fear it will raise its monstrous head at any given time. We must not fear ourselves anymore because fear is what will stop us from controlling the monster. If we still find ourselves in fear, that means that we did not totally accept it and that you are still inside the mind. Watch the film Life of Pi to analyze Pi and his relationship with Richard Parker and find meaning in it for your life.
Anything that arises out of your mind that disturbs the calm mind, be it very subtle or very obvious, is the monster. Do not underestimate the monster as it is huge. But when you accept this monster as a part of you (without fear for fear means that you are still using your mind/the tiger/the monster), use the Russian doll metaphor and you will strengthen control over your actions. Get right back to the practice, make the practice your routine! The symptoms that you are on the right path is that you experience peace within yourself, heart doesn't palpitate. When your mind is controlling things your heart palpitates and your breathing is irregular! That is how you will know which is in control.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Listen slowly and carefully: Strengthen the foundation of your path by solidifying Patience and Trust in the uknown. Surrender to the here & now in order to 'listen' and 'see' the signs by the girth of your Intuition. Expect absolutely nothing means zero interference of Judgement (if you experience Judgement that means you are still inside the mind's illusory labrynth). Everything about your life is based on Interdependence. Solidify Patience, solidify Trust and your Highest Path will come to you. The signs and experiences will come to you when they need to come to you. All is good ('good' in a very deeper sense). This is perfect Harmony. This is Divine Timing. And remember: "Suffering stops at the clock of Surrender & Humility." - AllYouAreisHeaven
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Heaven in Thought: The Law of Psychegnosis
"Meditation is like trying to go round the world on a Donkey when there is [a] Jet Plane available.The Choice is yours in that you can waste your life on experiencing life on the Donkey (Meditation) or on a Jet Plane (Psychegnosis)."- The Law of Psychegnosis (
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Heaven in Thought: Osho
" 'So much water has gone down the Ganges [river].' Buddha was sitting on the bank of the Ganges under a tree. He showed the man, 'Look, each moment so much water is flowing down! Twenty-four hours have passed -- why are you carrying it, something which is no longer existential? Forget all about it.' "- Osho, The Book of Wisdom, p. 73
Monday, October 14, 2013
BBC Documentary: The Magical Forest (HD)
This is a beautifully produced documentary that shows the interdependence of nature. We need to be aware of this truth, that we are also interdependent on the environment and people around us. Pleasant and powerful visuals guided by a charming narrator, Mr. Chris Packham. Indeed the forest is magical. Watch when you have free time and are in the mood for something insightful about the Earth, life, and our ecosystem.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Heaven in Thought: The Law of Psychegnosis
"What is so beautiful about Nature is that it requires no effort whatsoever to achieve perfect Harmony."- The Law of Psychegnosis
Monday, September 16, 2013
Heaven in Thought: David Foster Wallace
"Both destiny's kisses and its dope-slaps illustrate an individual persons basic powerlessness over the meaningful events in his life: i.e. almost nothing important that ever happens to you happens because you engineer it. Destiny has no beeper; destiny always leans trenchcoated out of an alley with some sort of Psst that you usually can't even hear because you're in such a rush to or from something important that you've tried to engineer."- David Foster Wallace
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Monday, September 9, 2013
What is FAITH?
(this is a continuation, so please read these in order so that you can get the total understanding: 1. Slow Down (part 1) 2. Slow Down (Part 2) 3. Your Personality and Understanding the Puppeteer 4. Duality & Desire: How to Begin to Be Free of the Puppeteer)
Justification vs Faith
Don't let your thinking mind thoughts/emotions justify or convince you that it is the truth about something (please read the links I put above to explain 'puppeteer'). Because when you know from your own observations what is true and what is the illusion, you will begin to build your awareness about things and you will come to a point where it is now a 'battle' between your thinking mind and you/Reality (you're just correcting your awareness). This is where Faith comes in. Because your thinking mind will justify its reasoning for your 'story' although you now know from your awareness how things actually work. But you are going to experience trouble in being duped again and again by your thinking mind. Therefore, you need to use a bridge to cross from the thinking mind to Reality. This bridge is called FAITH. So listen carefully: Even if the thought is true, it should not have a bodyguard of afflictive emotions and thoughts accompanying it -- that is JUSTIFYING. So, just as we should not be taking our thoughts personally, we should also not take our emotions personally.
In your thinking mind, you can think about any thought about anything at any given time. Just because you believe some of them DOES NOT MAKE THE THOUGHT REAL because the thought is only coming from one of your emotional seeds. It is just a reflection in your brain's 'eye'. So the difference is, between all of the thoughts that are going around your mind, out of all of them, one of them or a few of them sticks. The ones that stick are the thoughts you believe to be true, then it suddenly becomes REAL TO YOU. It is the same as your emotions. You can have any emotion about anything at any given time. Just because you happen to believe one of them to be true does not make it real.
Here are other examples of 'Seeds':
- Pride (puffing yourself up, pride about where you are socially, pride about your background, family, education, and so on)
- Story (anything pertaining to your 'story', i.e. friendships -- using people to enhance your story, rejecting those that hurt your story or does not 'fit in' your story; imagining your future -- creating your story; relating to your past -- being controlled by your story.)
- Nonsense (thinking about nonsense mumbo jumbo)
- Ignorance (thoughts centered on things you don't know about, i.e. the future or judging people/your own self/things)
- Vanity
- Addictions (all kinds, habits are under the umbrella of addiction)
So now, after doing the Duality & Desire (I put the link on top of this post) practices and you get the hang of it, you can look further into the thoughts/emotions that arise within you and simply say: 'Oh wait why is it that I feel jealous about this? A-ha! It's because I believe that such and such has a better or poorer story to mine.' But this is you believing that you must have a story in the first place so simply just say: 'But I am not defined by a story.' That's it. Making that affirmation instantly brings you peace in the mind because you have just changed the definition of your relationship with that person who made you jealous. It's almost funny when you begin to figure this out and you witness the simplicity of it. Whereas before doing these practices you would have been naive and gullible and followed on those thoughts and emotions, potentially turning a situation ugly and your day would have been ruined.
Your thinking mind will still justify as much as it can that it is real and that Reality is the illusion. That is why you need to have the courage to begin crossing the bridge of Faith. That means: Have Faith that your observations of Reality are correct. Why are they correct? Because it's Reality! Strengthen COURAGE and weaken Self-Doubt.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Life is not about enhancing your 'story'. It's about becoming aware of what you are FIRST and in your journey the story simply unfolds by itself.
Heaven in Thought: The Law of Psychegnosis
"To have PEACE we have to UNDERSTAND that our HUMAN BODY requires ABSOLUTE HARMONY or it is NOT able to have 100% COMMUNICATION with the MOMENT we are PARTICIPATING in."
- The Law of Psychegnosis
Link here: Must-read book: Law of Psychegnosis
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
MUST-READ BOOK: "The Law of Psychegnosis"
When I discovered the Law of Psychegnosis from a google search into the psyche I had a feeling I landed on something big. Going through the website I was extremely astounded with what I was reading. The Law of Psychegnosis has been understood by all sages and higher minds. Those going through an intense Reality awakening (I prefer to use the word Reality awakening than spiritual awakening) will also see the light in these extraordinary messages. The difference is that instead of using metaphors or hard to grasp content as how has been described before, this one explains our nature directly using methodology that you can apply immediately into your life. I highly suggest this for everyone to read because it hits the nail on the head. You too will be astounded and will help you find peace and harmony in your life, guaranteed. This is certainly the most important book I have discovered. A $1,000,000 challenge is even being offered on the website to anyone who can offer a better way to peace. Please visit the website, read the background of how these messages came to be, and order your free book. This book is highly valuable so to show your appreciation of the unbelievable generosity and love please make a donation towards creating a better life for Rebekah, who has brain damage and is the main inspiration for the Law of Psychegnosis coming about -- help give her a better life:
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Duality & Desire: How to Begin to be Free of Your Mind pt 2 of 3
(I suggest reading a few of the posts preceding this one)
To begin to be free of the thinking mind that controls you, you first have to divide yourself into two. That means you should separate your awareness over your mind and body. So in other words you are going to be observing how your mind and emotions and body behaves. In order to separate yourself into an observer versus the mind/emotions/body you will have to train yourself or recondition yourself to constantly be alert in order to observe. Think of it like a Russian doll metaphor: the larger doll (your awareness) is overlooking the smaller doll (your mind/emotion/body).
"An observer is someone who doesn't make a judgement." - Eamon Loughrey
To begin to be free of the thinking mind that controls you, you first have to divide yourself into two. That means you should separate your awareness over your mind and body. So in other words you are going to be observing how your mind and emotions and body behaves. In order to separate yourself into an observer versus the mind/emotions/body you will have to train yourself or recondition yourself to constantly be alert in order to observe. Think of it like a Russian doll metaphor: the larger doll (your awareness) is overlooking the smaller doll (your mind/emotion/body).
What are you observing?
Duality is symbolized by the black (shadow of the truth) and white (the real truth) checkerboard in Freemasonry. We have to transcend duality of the thinking mind which has been conditioned to judge what is 'good for the I' & 'bad for the I' and is the obstacle to awakening:
You are not going to observe into the stories of the thoughts that run around your mind themselves but observing TECHNICALLY how they arise. Let me re-explain: You will need to begin with total observation on what arises from the mind without being distracted by the story each thought entails, which ONLY serves to distract even further. This requires plenty of patience and vigilance. Be aware that you will be tempted frequently to listen to the story of thoughts.
Everything in the mind arises in duality. The first thing the mind will do is JUDGE. It will then judge what is 'good' and what is 'bad'. So the thinking mind only perceives things as either 'good' or 'bad'. These are not opposites of each other, they are on the same line, the same polarity so in fact it is actually good vs the absence of good but in duality they are ONLY seen as either 'good' or 'bad':
Everything in the mind arises in duality. The first thing the mind will do is JUDGE. It will then judge what is 'good' and what is 'bad'. So the thinking mind only perceives things as either 'good' or 'bad'. These are not opposites of each other, they are on the same line, the same polarity so in fact it is actually good vs the absence of good but in duality they are ONLY seen as either 'good' or 'bad':
"Life is not a conflict between opposites, but a polarity. Poles are the opposite ends of one magnet. You can’t have one without the other. If you take a magnet, say you have a magnetized bar, there’s a north pole and a south pole. Okay, chop off the south pole, move it away. The piece you've got left creates a new south pole. You never get rid of the south pole. So the point about a magnet is, things may be the poles apart, but they go together."
- Alan Watts
For a clearer understanding of Duality I suggest reading this short article by Mr. Joseph Panek, Transcending Duality: before continuing this post.
In duality, your thinking mind -- not the part that uses calculations or planning things or intuition/conscience and so on -- but the part that you identify yourself with: Everything that arises in the mind rises out of Desire or Rejection for the self, according to our story (our 'Story' is a conglomeration of our beliefs, past, fears, frustrations, and desires). Anything that gives you Pleasure (Good) or the polar opposite, Pain (Bad), is how your thinking mind's illusion was formed. Most people call the thinking mind's illusion as the ego but in fact it is just the thinking mind's illusion. I will get to the real definition of Ego later. It is self-serving your personal story, your separate world (through your name and personality). Anything that arises after you view things as "this is 'good'" or "this is 'bad'" THEN these thoughts will then arise:
- Jealousy (comparing yourself with others or judging others)
- Revenge/Hostile (a reaction to you being rejected, including the idea of others deserving bad things happening to them)
- Offense (taking personal offense to anything that happens in your surroundings, part of this is to Magnify situations)
- Greed (deserve more then what you're getting)
- Self-Sabotage (putting yourself down)
- Self Pity (including Victim Stance)
- Power (Superior or Inferior to others, part of this is being Stubborn)
- Procrastination (a form of Sloth/Laziness)
- Fear/Worry/Paranoia
- Apathy (don't care about others)
- Solo (you don't need any help, or the false idea that you can do everything on your own without considering circumstances and people and environment)
- Lying (exaggerated truth)
- Pride (including Appraisals & Attributions. Attributions refers to making excuses, such as an explanation of why things happen to us, it can be positive or negative to either give credit or blame, respectively.)
- Addiction (crutch to deal with either a painful or a pleasurable emotion)
- Apathy (don't care about others)
- Solo (you don't need any help, or the false idea that you can do everything on your own without considering circumstances and people and environment)
- Lying (exaggerated truth)
- Pride (including Appraisals & Attributions. Attributions refers to making excuses, such as an explanation of why things happen to us, it can be positive or negative to either give credit or blame, respectively.)
- Addiction (crutch to deal with either a painful or a pleasurable emotion)
It is difficult to be as still as the silence of a flower. The stillness of the mind is always disrupted by a thought, and when you are tempted to get distracted by the story that each thought entails, the mind becomes chaotic. Desire is an urge within you that is always looking to enhance/gratify your personal story (either positively or negatively) and the urge rises frequently and keeps you distracted from Reality. This includes 'boredom' that is really just the mind having nothing to do but wanting attention and to please itself. It keeps you distracted from the world around you, it even keeps you distracted from noticing that you are breathing. If it keeps you distracted from noticing your breathing that means your are controlled by your thinking mind's decision. Then imagine how much more it distracts you from. Therefore you are in a dream-like state. The above list of 'seeds' are examples of how it keeps you distracted by making your story to being very convincing and real (but it is only an illusion, please read Your Personality and Understanding the Puppeteer). Each seed gives you either a Pleasure/Good (positive) polarity of the emotion or Pain/Bad (negative) polarity. For example Pride/Shame, pride is the selfish positive (pleasure) and shame is the selfish negative (pain) enhancing your 'I' story. Notice that when something doesn't give you pride you feel shameful; Also if something does not make you ashamed, you feel pride.
You have to first notice that you are dreaming or brainwashed before you can begin to 'wake up'. That is the reason why some of these are called the Seven Deadly Sins because they send you into darkness or in actuality that the mind now is taking more control -- we go against the natural law of what we are (going against the law creates karma). So metaphorically, it is as if you are dead because you are not conscious of Reality.
You have to first notice that you are dreaming or brainwashed before you can begin to 'wake up'. That is the reason why some of these are called the Seven Deadly Sins because they send you into darkness or in actuality that the mind now is taking more control -- we go against the natural law of what we are (going against the law creates karma). So metaphorically, it is as if you are dead because you are not conscious of Reality.
Do not observe into the story of each thoughts that come from any of these seeds because you will once again be distracted -- see how tricky the mind works? Just observe them technically because their only purpose is to hold on to your illusory identity. So if you have an emotion that arises out of Offense, simply just be aware that it is Offense, without looking into the JUSTIFICATION that your mind will present (don't look inside of the thought, step out of the box ... again the Russian doll metaphor). And keep going. This is how you begin to observe how your mind behaves and will immediately assist in strengthening control back to yourself. You will get better with time at being able to divide yourself into two in order to be alert to how your mind works. It takes consistent practice and eventually you will get better at it, for some progress will happen in quickly, others will take a lot longer. You will learn to understand the characteristics of each emotion, how it affects you and how it arises thoughts in parallel character. You will be quicker at recognizing emotions when you do this practice. From here and through your direct experience (I can't tell you how your mind works, it is your universe not mine) you will be able to extract understanding from constant observation. But an important advice is that during these times of effort you will 'fail' many many times at being quick enough to catch the emotions as fast as they arise, because we react almost automatically to these emotions with actions. Do not give up and don't take such 'failures' personally, because this idea of 'failure' is again a trick of the mind wanting you to feel guilty and worried etc. Keep going DO NOT GIVE UP, it is ok. It takes many failures to understand things even better, so there is no loss. It takes time to learn. Please read Slow Down Part 1 and Slow Down Part 2 to know why.
It may help to keep with you a list of emotional seeds so that it may be easier to pinpoint what an emotion that arises within you is. It is even better to jot down as much as you can all the emotions (by label only) that arises within you for a day. You'll better understand your behavior patterns as they will be shown in the light.
When you start the practice of dividing yourself into two, many things about you will come to light, your truth will slowly reveal itself. This is the path to transcend black & white duality (inferior desires) and strengthening your intuition (superior desires) by stepping into the world of color or up the chakras (described metaphorically in the Wizard of Oz): Transcending the mind in order to see what you are. Or in other words, in Reality.
Friday, August 30, 2013
The Puppeteer and Understanding Your Mind pt 1 of 3
Read carefully the definition of 'puppeteer'(from wikipedia):
"A puppeteer is a person who manipulates an inanimate object—a puppet—in real time to create the illusion of life. The puppeteer may be visible to or hidden from the audience. A puppeteer can operate a puppet indirectly by the use of strings, rods, wires, electronics or directly by his or her own hands placed inside the puppet or holding it externally. Some puppet styles require puppeteers to work together as a team to create a single puppet character."
You are the puppeteer and your thinking mind is the object that has the illusion of life. You created this mis-identification without your fault or anyone to blame. You have created yourself to be a marionette. You have handed control over to your thinking mind, such as your emotional thoughts and beliefs and past experiences which you believe to be is you, that you think is alive, but is in fact an illusion. You may believe that your mind is your center of who you are and therefore does not really need any deeper improvement. If you choose to not live in ignorance and begin searching for true knowledge about yourself, you will be closer to your real, authentic nature and will climb the ladder towards higher states of awareness. Your personality is not bad and has nothing to do with thinking mind. It is the fear caused by the thinking mind that compromises the personality. These afflictions are the cause of some ignorance within us (that we ignore either deliberately or without our awareness). Because we identify ourselves only with the thinking mind, the behavior and actions we have are mostly out of our control -- especially the emotional behavior which arises within you almost automatically without your control (emotions have a much quicker speed than the intellect, read Slow Down part 1). Therefore ignorance is a delusional sickness.
If we believe the mind to be our center or in control then we fall asleep. We fall asleep in our tunnel vision that we have created, blind to reality and blind to choice. When we do this we have given complete control to the subconscious mind and therefore let it run almost entirely on auto-pilot -- that is why we fall asleep. We have created an emotional puppet and the result is that we are the marionettes. If we want to win control then we must look impersonally at the way we function in life. We must look honestly and observe how our thinking mind behaves and the nature of it. If we look honestly and impersonally, the truth is there. The truth is in understanding our nature. Remember the mind is ONLY the result of the conglomeration of past experiences, emotional thoughts, and beliefs and DNA. This is ignorance because we are much bigger then what the mind attempts to know and the mind is limited in its capabilities because it takes information from your limited 5 senses but then turns it into a 2D image inside your mind. The more you rely on the thinking mind for answers, the more 2D everything becomes and then you are in a dream because a dream is not alive!
This is connected to Duality & Desire which I will be discussing soon.
"We are what we think.
All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts we make the world."
- The Dhammapada, the sayings of the Buddha
Friday, August 23, 2013
Heaven in Thought: Rabindranath Tagore
"A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It makes the hand bleed that uses it."- Rabindranath Tagore
Sunday, August 18, 2013
The Addiction to Your 'Story'
We are attached and addicted to our 'Story', which is a self-defense system that protects who we 'think' we are. We are not the story, the story is not a physical thing and is not alive, it is just a story! It is important but it does not run the show, we do. We are always looking to either enhance our story, weaken our story, or reject from out story. If it runs the show, the afflictions that you may know as the seven deadly sins arise. If things go your way or not your way, you will experience the following (not limited to):
- Jealousy
- Vanity
- Offense
- Greed
- Lust
- Self-Sabotage
- Fear
- Hate
- Pride
- Revenge
- Apathy
- Worry
- Fear
- Impatience
- Victim of your story
- Addiction
Examples of further actions we do to others because of 'my Story':
- making another feel guilty of their story because of their background, religion, color of skin, country born in, etc
- murdering in order to stop another's story
The post Duality & Desire explains these further.
It does not make sense to believe you are your actual story because you are right here. Your story is not alive, you are. For example if you believe you were something that happened to you when you were a child, then you would also believe you were something that you experienced yesterday morning. But this is just information that you collected in your brain. How can you be the same person you were just 5 seconds ago or to where you were years ago. Even your body changes. Even your emotional thoughts. The story is just reflections that appear in your thinking mind's eye and you are putting an emotional story together when you see the reflection. It is just a reflection. Reflections are not 'bad', it is not alive. There are only GOOD reflections. It's like you looking into a mirror or lake but you are believing the reflection is actually you, it is not ALIVE! It is just information. You are not any of this. Your story only reveals how you got here in the present (be they good choices or 'bad' choices). The present is what dictates what happens in the next moment. You are right here, we must accept the only reality which exists -- which is right now. This is difficult to grasp because you have always thought you are your story. Your story is JUST the result of what you experienced. Observe this well with sincerity to connect the logic. So it is only the past that can REVEAL your actual story, you can't know what will happen in the future. If you think you are your story this will send you down a path full of chaotic decisions.
- Jealousy
- Vanity
- Offense
- Greed
- Lust
- Self-Sabotage
- Fear
- Hate
- Pride
- Revenge
- Apathy
- Worry
- Fear
- Impatience
- Victim of your story
- Addiction
Examples of further actions we do to others because of 'my Story':
- making another feel guilty of their story because of their background, religion, color of skin, country born in, etc
- murdering in order to stop another's story
The post Duality & Desire explains these further.
It does not make sense to believe you are your actual story because you are right here. Your story is not alive, you are. For example if you believe you were something that happened to you when you were a child, then you would also believe you were something that you experienced yesterday morning. But this is just information that you collected in your brain. How can you be the same person you were just 5 seconds ago or to where you were years ago. Even your body changes. Even your emotional thoughts. The story is just reflections that appear in your thinking mind's eye and you are putting an emotional story together when you see the reflection. It is just a reflection. Reflections are not 'bad', it is not alive. There are only GOOD reflections. It's like you looking into a mirror or lake but you are believing the reflection is actually you, it is not ALIVE! It is just information. You are not any of this. Your story only reveals how you got here in the present (be they good choices or 'bad' choices). The present is what dictates what happens in the next moment. You are right here, we must accept the only reality which exists -- which is right now. This is difficult to grasp because you have always thought you are your story. Your story is JUST the result of what you experienced. Observe this well with sincerity to connect the logic. So it is only the past that can REVEAL your actual story, you can't know what will happen in the future. If you think you are your story this will send you down a path full of chaotic decisions.
“If depressed, you are living in the past. If anxious, you are living in the future. If at peace, you are living in the present.”
- Lao Tzu
When You Feel Like You've Gone Backwards ...
There is no such thing as a relapse. A helpful video by Teal Scott. She also discusses the Spiral, recommended posts are the Sacred Spiral and Lateral Consciousness, the Esoteric Meaning of the Spiral, and the Wizard of Oz.
When You Feel You've Gone Backwards ... There's No Such Thing as Relapse
Saturday, August 10, 2013
In the News: Scientists say Jupiter Moon Landing Best Shot at Finding Habitable World
Scientists say Jupiter moon landing best shot at finding habitable world
New research indicates Jupiter’s moon Europa is the most likely spot in our solar system to support life outside of the Earth, and NASA is currently developing a mission to explore the planet's icy shell and a subsurface ocean that may resemble our own.
New research indicates that Jupiter’s moon Europa is the most likely spot in our solar system to support life outside Earth. It comes as NASA develops a mission to land on and explore the moon’s ocean, which may closely resemble Earth's salty oceans.
Leading planetary researchers have published a paper detailing plans for a possible “lander” to be launched within the next decade. The plan includes instruments resembling those used by the Mars Curiosity rover, such as a drill and a complement of cameras. According to the paper - published this week in the journal Astrobiology - the frozen, crackled surface of the moon is a compelling choice for robot landers.
What makes Europa an appealing target for planetary scientists is its subsurface ocean of liquid water - evidence for which was first collected by flybys of robotic probes, including Voyager in the 1980s and Galileo in the 1990s.
The moon is thought to be affected by Jupiter’s huge gravitational presence, which scientists suspect generates tidal forces that heat the interior of the celestial body and drive geologic activity similar to plate tectonics. Of particular interest are the dark, reddish fractures present throughout the surface of the moon’s ice shell that suggest that water has welled up and frozen on the moon’s surface.
Leading planetary researchers have published a paper detailing plans for a possible “lander” to be launched within the next decade. The plan includes instruments resembling those used by the Mars Curiosity rover, such as a drill and a complement of cameras. According to the paper - published this week in the journal Astrobiology - the frozen, crackled surface of the moon is a compelling choice for robot landers.
What makes Europa an appealing target for planetary scientists is its subsurface ocean of liquid water - evidence for which was first collected by flybys of robotic probes, including Voyager in the 1980s and Galileo in the 1990s.
The moon is thought to be affected by Jupiter’s huge gravitational presence, which scientists suspect generates tidal forces that heat the interior of the celestial body and drive geologic activity similar to plate tectonics. Of particular interest are the dark, reddish fractures present throughout the surface of the moon’s ice shell that suggest that water has welled up and frozen on the moon’s surface.

Reuters / NASA
NASA scientists have previously suggested that the red spots on Europa’s surface mean that the moon acts as a sort of lava lamp, carrying material from near the surface down into its ocean, potentially transporting living organisms up towards the surface as well.
Europa could potentially host extraterrestrial life, due to its liquid ocean and warmer core which is thought to be similar to Earth’s deep-water hydrothermal vents.
“Landing on the surface of Europa would be a key step in the astrobiological investigation of that world,”said Chris McKay, a senior editor of the Astrobiology journal, who is based at NASA Ames Research Center in California.
“This paper outlines the science that could be done on such a lander,” said McKay. “The hope would be that surface materials, possibly near the linear crack features, include biomarkers carried up from the ocean.”
Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei first discovered Europa in 1610. It wasn't until NASA’s Galileo reached the Jupiter system in 1995 that scientists were able to study the moon’s surface in greater detail.
Since then, some research has speculated that Europa’s ocean may be fed by far more oxygen than was previously thought. Research produced by scientist Richard Greenberg at the University of Arizona in Tucson in 2009 theorized that beyond microscopic organisms, the moon’s ocean could support some three million tons of fish-like creatures.
Europa could potentially host extraterrestrial life, due to its liquid ocean and warmer core which is thought to be similar to Earth’s deep-water hydrothermal vents.
“Landing on the surface of Europa would be a key step in the astrobiological investigation of that world,”said Chris McKay, a senior editor of the Astrobiology journal, who is based at NASA Ames Research Center in California.
“This paper outlines the science that could be done on such a lander,” said McKay. “The hope would be that surface materials, possibly near the linear crack features, include biomarkers carried up from the ocean.”
Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei first discovered Europa in 1610. It wasn't until NASA’s Galileo reached the Jupiter system in 1995 that scientists were able to study the moon’s surface in greater detail.
Since then, some research has speculated that Europa’s ocean may be fed by far more oxygen than was previously thought. Research produced by scientist Richard Greenberg at the University of Arizona in Tucson in 2009 theorized that beyond microscopic organisms, the moon’s ocean could support some three million tons of fish-like creatures.

This image shows two views of the trailing hemisphere of Jupiter's ice-covered moon, Europa (Reuters / NASA)
"There's nothing saying there is life there now," said Greenberg, who presented his work at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society's Division for Planetary Sciences in 2009. "But we do know there are the physical conditions to support it."
So far, however, speculations of life on Europa are based on calculations of flybys and imagery of its surface, as well as evidence collected by instruments on the Hubble Space Telescope and the Galileo spacecraft – both of which have confirmed the presence of an atmospheric layer composed mostly of molecular oxygen.
So far, however, speculations of life on Europa are based on calculations of flybys and imagery of its surface, as well as evidence collected by instruments on the Hubble Space Telescope and the Galileo spacecraft – both of which have confirmed the presence of an atmospheric layer composed mostly of molecular oxygen.
“The highest priority is active sampling of Europa's non-ice material from at least two different depths (0.5–2 cm and 5–10 cm) to understand its detailed composition and chemistry and the specific nature of salts, any organic materials, and other contaminants,” said the new report.
“A secondary focus is geophysical prospecting of Europa, through seismology and magnetometry, to probe the satellite's ice shell and ocean.”
The next steps for NASA and other space programs like the European Space Agency (ESA) will be to further map out the surface of Europa and select a prime landing spot for a robotic lander. NASA’s Juno probe is currently scheduled to orbit around the Jupiter system in 2016.
Meanwhile, the ESA plans to launch its JUICE mission (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer) in 2022 aboard an Ariane 5 rocket, arriving at Jupiter in 2030 and spending some three years exploring the planet’s moons, including Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
A number of previous plans to explore Europa have been abandoned since the early 2000s, including the Europa Lander Mission, which proposed a nuclear-powered lander. Another project known as Ice Clipper - which would have used an impactor similar to NASA’s Deep Impact mission – was also scrapped. The Deep Impact mission launched into Earth’s moon in 2005, generating a plume of debris which was then studied by a smaller spacecraft.
“A secondary focus is geophysical prospecting of Europa, through seismology and magnetometry, to probe the satellite's ice shell and ocean.”
The next steps for NASA and other space programs like the European Space Agency (ESA) will be to further map out the surface of Europa and select a prime landing spot for a robotic lander. NASA’s Juno probe is currently scheduled to orbit around the Jupiter system in 2016.
Meanwhile, the ESA plans to launch its JUICE mission (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer) in 2022 aboard an Ariane 5 rocket, arriving at Jupiter in 2030 and spending some three years exploring the planet’s moons, including Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
A number of previous plans to explore Europa have been abandoned since the early 2000s, including the Europa Lander Mission, which proposed a nuclear-powered lander. Another project known as Ice Clipper - which would have used an impactor similar to NASA’s Deep Impact mission – was also scrapped. The Deep Impact mission launched into Earth’s moon in 2005, generating a plume of debris which was then studied by a smaller spacecraft.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Heaven in Thought: Thich Nhat Hanh
“As long as our ancestors are still suffering within us, we cannot be truly happy. If we make a step with awareness …, we do this for all the past and future generations. They all arrive at the same moment we arrive and we all find peace at the same time.”- Thich Nhat Hanh
The body is inherited from our parents and ancestors. Therefore, emotions must be inherited as well. If that is the case, then how are we responsible for our emotional afflictions? Are we even responsible? And if not, are we therefore now responsible (as in able to respond) to make a change, stop the madness of our emotions controlling us? And therefore literally change our DNA for the new generations? Something to ponder ....
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Monday, August 5, 2013
The Most Important Speech You Will Ever Hear
"Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not."
- Jeremiah 5:21 King James BibleThe most important speech you will ever hear ... starting 32:15
Ancient Knowledge Pt. 6/2 - Coral Castle, Saturn, Crystals, 369, Magnetism, Bible Codes, Numerology
More on the Ancient Knowledge documentary here.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Heaven in Thought: Eamon Loughrey
"Imagine that our True selves are a needle in a very large haystack.Each straw is a life experience.We examine each straw and analyse it.What we need to do is to burn the straw and the needle shall be left.The needle has always been there.The straw was never real.
Where does it lead to?
The fact is that by analysing the straw we can never find the needle, and we waste valuable time.
... Those that are stopped looking for themselves in the straw will understand the above analogy.Those that are looking for themselves in the straw will continue to look in the straw."
- Eamon Loughrey
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Slow Down (Part 2)
(Please read the first part, Slow Down part 1)
The mind is ignorant and turns your reality into how you believe it to be. But this is an illusion because that is not reality. Therefore you have to cut the head off, cut the strings of the mind (we are the puppeteer we gave almost all control over to thinking mind that makes all judgement and decisions and behavior). Live without the mind and you are in reality. You have to exercise control of your mind by not listening to it. But to put it better, you have to let thoughts and emotions almost float away. The more dominance you have the quicker the thought slows down from growing until you can get to a point where you can catch it at its root. It's tough because you believe what your mind is telling you and so it has control over your thoughts and therefore actions, you are its puppet. It dominates you. So how do u train your mind?
We fall in traps of seeing things as real when it is only based on the mind's ignorance. Which means all your feelings and emotions and actions are based on the illusion that is created by the mind and you are actually falling for it. Which means that the main thing the ego-mind does is distract you. For example I say that I want to quit smoking. Why do I want to quit? Because I want to quit. But I can't because my MIND wont let me. I am a slave of my mind. It controls what I do. My mind is telling me that a cigarette will not hurt me when in fact smoke and all kinds of chemicals poisons the body with each inhalation. The ego-mind is the only thing the cigarette pleases. Or another example I want to read a book. But I can't because my mind is distracting me, it is procrastinating and making me lazy.
Normal people are used to having their mind being the pilot and let it perform automatically by itself. This is a huge mistake and this is exactly why you are literally asleep, your consciousness is asleep. You help to weaken the grip of your mind by putting your foot down and letting your mind know who's the boss. You are in control. Defeat the mind that is holding you from being what you can be potentially. Remember this is a long and patient process and requires baby steps.
Normal people are used to having their mind being the pilot and let it perform automatically by itself. This is a huge mistake and this is exactly why you are literally asleep, your consciousness is asleep. You help to weaken the grip of your mind by putting your foot down and letting your mind know who's the boss. You are in control. Defeat the mind that is holding you from being what you can be potentially. Remember this is a long and patient process and requires baby steps.
The key secret of life is that your mind -- the holder of dual tension (some of you may know this as the black and white checkerboard in freemasonry. Also shown in the Portrait of Heath Ledger.) -- is an illusion AND so are your .... inferior, afflictive emotions. Your afflictive emotions are very dangerous. They have more complicated and faster control over you. The secret to life is to not believe either of them. However, you must always be mindful that your mind switches to auto-pilot by itself all the time and at any moment without you even noticing the slightest bit, it is incredibly tricky.
Your emotions move 60,000 times faster then your intellect. Therefore most of your afflictive thoughts are actually coming from ... your emotions. They are emotional thoughts. Not intellect. Observe this in yourself.
But since your emotional thoughts moves at incredibly high speeds you have to train yourself to be able to catch it. This takes constant effort from your part. As a foundation to begin this process you need to be able to first be alert as much as you can. You need to be alert because the mind will trick you back in hypnosis without any hint of your awareness. Being alert means asserting your focus on the here and now. When you do eventually notice yourself back in the trance of the mind, return to being watchful. This is a process that has to be repeated again and again because you need to be awake in order to catch emotional thoughts either after they arise or when they are arising or right before it arises (suggested post: Atisha on How to Deal With Anger). There will be successes. And there will be many failures. But by holding the weapon of determination, dust yourself off and keep persevering.
"If you do not watch your mind, then pride, lust, envy, anxiety will take over." -
In part 1, I have compared being mindful to physical exercise. If you don't keep exercise consistent, you will lose muscle. The same can be said for dominating your mind if you are not consistently watching it.
To learn how to conquer your afflictions please read this excellent lesson:
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Heaven in Thought:
"We are living and depending on our Thinking Mind to give us our reality.
This is the way to pain and confusion.It leads to incredible depths of disillusionment, as well bad Health and emotional turmoil.Our belief in what is an “illusion, is disrupting our nervous systems so much, it is the leading cause of disease and early death.We strongly advise ALL people of the danger of connecting “who we are”, to our thoughts.This is REALITY."
Link here: Must-read book: The Law of Psychegnosis
Documentary: Ancient Knowledge Pt. 6/1
If there are 2 documentaries that you should be watching this year they should be Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds (click here) and the Ancient Knowledge documentary series. Part 6 has recently been uploaded by its creator. You can start with Part 1 here.
Ancient Knowledge Pt. 6/1 - Number 9 Code, Vortex Based Math, Flower of Life, Fibonacci, Time, 432 Hz
In the News: New Cassini Pictures and Other Stunning Views of Earth
Tiny Blue Dot
Image courtesy SSI/Caltech/NASA
On July 19, NASA's robotic probe turned its gaze toward Saturn's majestic rings and a tiny pale-blue dot—a planet called Earth nearly 900 million miles (1.5 billion kilometers) away.
The Cassini orbiter snapped this historic image of its distant home world while on the far side of the giant ringed planet. (See more pictures of Earth from space.)
No surface features are visible since Earth takes up only a scant few pixels—however, its unique blue tinge caused by sunlight reflecting off our planet's oceans clearly shines through.
Click through for more unforgettable pictures of our planet from space. [New Cassini Pictures and Other Stunning Views of Earth]
—Andrew Fazekas
Published July 23, 2013
New Cassini Pictures and Other Stunning Views of Earth
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