Life, the Universe, and Everything Else: Know your reality.

Life, the Universe, and Everything Else: Know your reality.
We are the most fascinating thing in the universe. It is us. The human being is designed perfectly.

This blog is not meant for those with an untrained eye and not for the insincere. It is also not self-righteous. It focuses on the actual practice, pushing aside conspiracies and history information that don't do anything for real progression and only serve as a distraction for those who are seeking real Truth: which is in the practice and can be attained now, we are not here to waste time. We are separating our Self and reality into parts which is like trying to play each instrument in an orchestra which does nothing but cause chaos. Your very mind is the gateway to real progression: as in you are not your thinking mind, which is governing ALL ASPECTS of your life. You must figure out what you truly are, your real nature -- not the illusory nature -- using sincere contemplation and the process of elimination, WHO you are NOT. Surprise, you do not need meditation which is exactly like riding on a donkey. There is no time for meditation. Get on the jet plane and the method is the Mirror, it is time to see the Self as a Whole unit and not divided into individual and separated parts. Use direct experience as a vehicle for your quest to understand and figure out Absolute Reality. Begin to explore your mind through Psychegnosis here:

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Eradicate All Beliefs Including All Subtle Beliefs

Many times during the practice of observing the nature of the mind and how it intercepts Reality, you must be vigilant in terms of recognizing the beliefs that you are holding onto. In many cases, there are beliefs within a belief within a belief that makes up the overall mental construct during a particular moment. Suggested post with readings in order to guide you on the practice of discovering the nature of how your mind works:

Each belief must be eradicated one by one as the deeper belief begins to present itself more clearly. Let me explain what I mean by beliefs so I will give an example for this purpose of explanation:

  1. You are worried you will not find romance in your life. A belief can be you are worried you will grow old without having a family. This belief is false because there is no way to know your future.
  2. It can also hold a further belief which could be, I need to have a family to have security in life. This belief is that you believe life is insecure. 
  3. A further and a more subtle belief can be that being insecure is bad. This belief is that you believe there is bad in the first place. Bad is the underlying construct in this over all belief/thought structure. So we must observe all sides of beliefs in order to get to the root behind it all, which in this case is you believe that bad exists.

Find out what you are automatically CHOOSING to believe as you will find that most are based on false judgements. You will find that most are related to you believing that there is a bad for the Self, your story. When you come to the conclusion that there is no 'bad' for the Self, you no longer need to judge anymore, which means you no longer need to refer to the mind to make a judgement for an analysis or answer. The belief in 'bad' is what causes affliction within you which in turn divides yourself internally and therefore splits you from Reality. We are constantly looking for the 'good' (to enhance our story) or looking for the 'bad' (which makes us constantly worried about our story). Nothing in the world is 'bad' in and of itself. Only choices we make are 'bad', but the object itself is not 'bad'. You will probably argue that the world is 'bad'. The world is 'bad' because most are ignorant of the Truth, and far away from our nature, and most are based on false judgements. The truth is that all is, in fact, GOOD, regardless of the choices that people make. 'Bad' choices are made because we are brainwashed (we are conditioned to believe we are what we 'think' we are). Eradicate all beliefs and the truth will set you free and find your peace. Zero beliefs means Peace and infinite choices to choose from. We can be set free from the prison of our own minds.

Suggested reading "There is no 'bad' Only GOOD":

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