Please read the following article very carefully and very slowly.
One must understand that following this to the very detail as in 100% Humility if you keep letting go of everything absolutely everything you believe in and everything you are questioning and every fear and worry and frustration, you will be awakened into the here and now and experience Peace. So there is a definite change of state and one that you are not in right now as long as you are holding on to any kind of belief. Reality can only be seen when all beliefs are let go of and it is an actual physical state and not a mental state. In this state there is no mind but the whole presence of the being and the being is seen from the heart, not the mind NOR emotional thoughts. It is only in the here&now where you can see the Essence of things. These are 2 completely different states: which I identify as The World of the Awakened/The World of GOOD (seen from the heart/solar plexus and only exists in the Now) vs the World of the Mental Plane/The World of 'Good for the I' & 'Bad for the I' (seen from the mind and emotional thoughts, everything mental). A belief literally blinds a part of your reality because a belief uses the mind and then the mind juxtaposes this mental belief onto the Here & Now. Literally so long as you believe it to be true. Let go of all your own ignorant ideas and interpretations about the world and the truth is right there, it is constant it is always there, only the mental states attempts to 'think' Reality. How can one logically 'think' Reality when Reality is right here?? You either 'think' or you KNOW. Stop thinking what you see, stop thinking what you hear. Just let light come to you instead, let sound come to you instead. We think everything we do, we think to function. In the World of the Awakened you will understand that you don't need to think everything. But this is NOT POSSIBLE to understand as long as you are still inside the World of the Mental Plane.
1. Slow Down (get on Real Time. Use techniques like going on the same time as a floating cloud or same time of a flower or ocean, whatever is in your surrounding that you can ride on)
2. Let go of your Story (past, traumas, fears, frustrations, desires, beliefs about yourself or what you always tell yourself, the need to have a story-line)
3. Surrender to RIGHT NOW (make no excuse, complete #2 and keep on letting go) and you will SEE from the heart, from your actual BEING without the need to think or be emotional! Right now is the real REALITY!